radical gender ideology banned in schools by overwhelming vote in Bulgaria | Eastern North Carolina Now

while Biden-Harris tries to force it down the throat of American schools


In sharp contrast to the moves by the Biden-Harris regime in the US to force radical gender ideology on our schools by executive fiat, the parliament of Bulgaria has voted overwhelmingly to ban radical gender ideology and deviant sexual orientation from schools in Bulgaria.  The vote to support the legislation crossed party and ideological lines, with 159 voting in favor, 22 opposed, and 12 abstentions.

The legislation bans "propaganda, promotion, or incitement in any way, directly or indirectly, in the education system of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity other than the biological one."


A few years ago, Hungary's parliament went even further, passing a law making it a criminal felony for any adult to discuss sexual matters with children other than a parent or an adult approved by a parent.

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( August 9th, 2024 @ 12:07 pm )
It is a real travesty that the Biden-Harris regime is attempting to turn Title IX on its head by executive rulemaking, and without consulting Congress. As passed by Congress in 1972, Title IX protects girls and women in education, but that is thrown out the window by Biden-Harris in their administrative rules that change it into a protection of "gender identity" and "sexual orientation".

Twenty six states are suing Biden-Harris to block this travesty, but not North Carolina. Our far left Attorney General Josh Stein, who is running for governor is fine with this far left assault on our girls and women, and is the only AG in the southeast NOT to challenge Biden-Harris on their illegal and unConstitutional rules.

But someone in North Carolina is fighting. State Rep. Keith Kidwell spoke at the Beaufort County School Board meeting this past Tuesday and is organizing a challenge. Republican candidate for State School Superintendant Michele Morrow appeared with him in support of a challenge. They got positive response from the school board.

One thing that local parents can do to protect the schools their children attend is to take advantage of the restraining order obtained by a group of states led be Kansas which got a court order to block the Biden-Harris rules. One of the co-plaintffs in that lawsuit was a conservative organization Moms for Liberty, and the restraining order issued by the federal judge in that case prohibits these Biden-Harris rules from being imposed on any school which children of members of Moms for Liberty attend anywhere in the country. Membership in Moms for Liberty is free and can be done online, and then there is a form to fill out about what schools their children attend. Joining and filling out that form will block these rules in those schools.

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