Results found for abortion on demand | Eastern North Carolina Now

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9 Results found for abortion on demand

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The United States of America has edged closer and closer to the Leftist maxim of "Abortion on Demand" whenever it is demanded, by whomever demands it, but now that ease of operation to alleviate oneself of that nagging little problem has come to a screeching halt.
The United States of America has edged closer and closer to the Leftist maxim of "Abortion on Demand" whenever it is demanded, by whomever demands it, but now that ease of operation to alleviate oneself of that nagging little problem has come to a screeching halt.
There are two sets of videos that are fully representative of today's Democrat Party making their appointed rounds, and, remarkably, at their core, well represents what it means to suffer from the condition known as Liberal
There are two sets of videos that are fully representative of today's Democrat Party making their appointed rounds, and, remarkably, at their core, well represents what it means to suffer from the condition known as Liberal
A video showing a Planned Parenthood employee purportedly negotiating to sell body parts of dead babies is dominating the news right now.
A video showing a Planned Parenthood employee purportedly negotiating to sell body parts of dead babies is dominating the news right now.
In Hobby Lobby, the Court ruled that the Obamacare law and its related regulations cannot compel closely held or family-owned companies from providing certain kinds of contraceptive coverage if doing so violates the owners' religious beliefs.
In Hobby Lobby, the Court ruled that the Obamacare law and its related regulations cannot compel closely held or family-owned companies from providing certain kinds of contraceptive coverage if doing so violates the owners' religious beliefs.
When Republicans fought hard this session to stop sex trafficking in our state, little was heard from so-called women's rights advocates.
When Republicans fought hard this session to stop sex trafficking in our state, little was heard from so-called women's rights advocates.
If you believe McClatchy and Bill Barber's zip-tie crowd (or the "eye candy" pictured with this post), the GOP-dominated state legislature is preparing to strip North Carolina's women of their God-given rights and put them ALL at risk of death, disease, and dismemberment.
If you believe McClatchy and Bill Barber's zip-tie crowd (or the "eye candy" pictured with this post), the GOP-dominated state legislature is preparing to strip North Carolina's women of their God-given rights and put them ALL at risk of death, disease, and dismemberment.
In a perverse way this dereliction of journalistic duty while reprehensible is understandable because the press lapdogs of this administration do not want to admit that Obama's PC national security policies involving Muslims might have contributed to the Boston attack.
In a perverse way this dereliction of journalistic duty while reprehensible is understandable because the press lapdogs of this administration do not want to admit that Obama's PC national security policies involving Muslims might have contributed to the Boston attack.
Remarkably, Sandra Fluke (pronounced Sandra Fluck), who is best known as the Georgetown law student who publicly fretted that Republicans, if elected en masse, would deny her current 3,000.00 stipend of annual contraception, spoke in prime time at the Democrat National Convention.
Remarkably, Sandra Fluke (pronounced Sandra Fluck), who is best known as the Georgetown law student who publicly fretted that Republicans, if elected en masse, would deny her current 3,000.00 stipend of annual contraception, spoke in prime time at the Democrat National Convention.
Yogi Berra is reported to have told this story: A reporter once ask me, "why do you argue about an umpire's call. Have you ever gotten one to change the call?" To which Yogi responded: "Of course not, but I ain't arguing about the last call, I'm arguing about the next call."
Yogi Berra is reported to have told this story: A reporter once ask me, "why do you argue about an umpire's call. Have you ever gotten one to change the call?" To which Yogi responded: "Of course not, but I ain't arguing about the last call, I'm arguing about the next call."


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