Results found for achievement school districts | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for achievement school districts

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Conservatives Should Support Achievement Districts
After some debate, a bill that would allow five of North Carolina's lowest-performing schools to be taken over by the state as part of a major rehabilitation effort passed on May 25 in the House Committee for K-12 Education
After some debate, a bill that would allow five of North Carolina's lowest-performing schools to be taken over by the state as part of a major rehabilitation effort passed on May 25 in the House Committee for K-12 Education
A state House committee on Wednesday looked at some of the successes and pitfalls neighboring Tennessee's Achievement School District has experienced as lawmakers pondered ways to turn around some of the state's worst performing schools.
A state House committee on Wednesday looked at some of the successes and pitfalls neighboring Tennessee's Achievement School District has experienced as lawmakers pondered ways to turn around some of the state's worst performing schools.


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