Results found for active cases | Eastern North Carolina Now

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5 Results found for active cases

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Let’s try something new. New for me anyway. A different path, if you will.
The problem surrounds the molecular tests predominantly used to produce a “laboratory-confirmed case” of COVID-19.
The problem surrounds the molecular tests predominantly used to produce a “laboratory-confirmed case” of COVID-19.
For the second week in a row, and the sixth time in the past eight weeks, active cases in NC have fallen.
After four straight weeks in decline, active cases of COVID-19 in NC increased the next two weeks.
After four straight weeks in decline, active cases of COVID-19 in NC increased the next two weeks.
In recent weeks I have discussed presumed recoveries from COVID-19 in NC as well as active cases of the virus.
In recent weeks I have discussed presumed recoveries from COVID-19 in NC as well as active cases of the virus.


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