Results found for afternoon | Eastern North Carolina Now

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6 Results found for afternoon

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This afternoon’s update from the National Weather Service included a Winter Storm Watch and increased snowfall totals for the majority of Beaufort Co.
This afternoon’s update from the National Weather Service included a Winter Storm Watch and increased snowfall totals for the majority of Beaufort Co.
This afternoon’s update continued to shift the heavier snowfall slightly further inland, with areas along and east of Hwy 17 now forecasted to receive between 4 and 6 inches.
This afternoon’s update continued to shift the heavier snowfall slightly further inland, with areas along and east of Hwy 17 now forecasted to receive between 4 and 6 inches.
Come for Morning Wire’s Afternoon Update’s straight news, but stay for the Rapid Reactions.
I smelled rain, when I went out this morning. Showers came about an hour later and didn't surprise me. The house was as silent as an empty church. What a contrast to the night before, I thought.
I smelled rain, when I went out this morning. Showers came about an hour later and didn't surprise me. The house was as silent as an empty church. What a contrast to the night before, I thought.
It is after Sunday dinner now, and I have noticed a new habit of mine. I like to write in the hours, after the gathering around the table.
It is after Sunday dinner now, and I have noticed a new habit of mine. I like to write in the hours, after the gathering around the table.
Please caution everyone that this afternoon and evening we have the possibility of severe storms capable of producing strong damaging winds and large hail throughout Beaufort County. We cannot rule out the possibility of a tornado occurring depending on the amount of sunshine we see this afternoon.
Please caution everyone that this afternoon and evening we have the possibility of severe storms capable of producing strong damaging winds and large hail throughout Beaufort County. We cannot rule out the possibility of a tornado occurring depending on the amount of sunshine we see this afternoon.


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