Results found for amity shlaes | Eastern North Carolina Now

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2 Results found for amity shlaes

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Author Amity Shlaes had heartening words for conservatives when she spoke at a Civitas event this fall.
Author Amity Shlaes had heartening words for conservatives when she spoke at a Civitas event this fall.
As Americans continue to struggle with a sluggish economy, policymakers could learn useful lessons from a president who served in office more than 80 years ago. That's the view of Amity Shlaes, director of the Four Percent Growth Project at the George W. Bush Center, nationally syndicated...
As Americans continue to struggle with a sluggish economy, policymakers could learn useful lessons from a president who served in office more than 80 years ago. That's the view of Amity Shlaes, director of the Four Percent Growth Project at the George W. Bush Center, nationally syndicated...


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