Results found for automotive | Eastern North Carolina Now

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28 Results found for automotive

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North Carolinians will see their auto insurance rates increase by 4.5% on Dec. 1 or after and again in 2024 because of a settlement reached between the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) and insurance companies.
North Carolinians will see their auto insurance rates increase by 4.5% on Dec. 1 or after and again in 2024 because of a settlement reached between the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) and insurance companies.
AP Emissions Technologies to make a substantial capital investment in Goldsboro
Beaufort County Community College has wrapped up construction of a new fence for its automotive systems technology program.
Beaufort County Community College has wrapped up construction of a new fence for its automotive systems technology program.
City life is not for everyone. Community colleges offer a chance for students to start or complete a degree locally, stay connected to their family and get a degree that fits with their local economy.
City life is not for everyone. Community colleges offer a chance for students to start or complete a degree locally, stay connected to their family and get a degree that fits with their local economy.
Sonic Automotive (NYSE: SAH) will open a marketing resource and customer contact center in Gaston County, creating 500 jobs, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
Sonic Automotive (NYSE: SAH) will open a marketing resource and customer contact center in Gaston County, creating 500 jobs, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
Dowa Thermotech Co. Ltd., a global provider of industrial furnaces and heat protection treatments, will open a new facility in Lee County, creating 109 jobs, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
Dowa Thermotech Co. Ltd., a global provider of industrial furnaces and heat protection treatments, will open a new facility in Lee County, creating 109 jobs, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
FCC (North Carolina), LLC., a Japan-based manufacturer of automotive parts, will expand operations in Scotland County and create 28 jobs over three years, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
FCC (North Carolina), LLC., a Japan-based manufacturer of automotive parts, will expand operations in Scotland County and create 28 jobs over three years, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
International automotive supplier Continental will launch a major expansion of its manufacturing facility in Burke County, creating 160 new jobs over the next five years
International automotive supplier Continental will launch a major expansion of its manufacturing facility in Burke County, creating 160 new jobs over the next five years
Governor Pat McCrory announced today that the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) will invest more than $1.5 million in support for aviation and automotive career pathways at two North Carolina community colleges
Governor Pat McCrory announced today that the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) will invest more than $1.5 million in support for aviation and automotive career pathways at two North Carolina community colleges
The Emerging Issues Forum always puts a microscope on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and this year's event was no exception.
The Emerging Issues Forum always puts a microscope on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and this year's event was no exception.
The details of the trip are not important but I am happy to report that I did not come back broke.
The details of the trip are not important but I am happy to report that I did not come back broke.
Tom Sarmento, in white shirt, visited Beaufort County Community College Friday and met with the Automotive Systems Technology students. Sarmento served as chief automotive mechanic and a stunt man for various television shows including Dukes of Hazzard and Fall Guy, among others. Sarmento shared...
Tom Sarmento, in white shirt, visited Beaufort County Community College Friday and met with the Automotive Systems Technology students. Sarmento served as chief automotive mechanic and a stunt man for various television shows including Dukes of Hazzard and Fall Guy, among others. Sarmento shared...
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that Linamar Corporation will be acquiring and expanding the Carolina Forge Company facility in Wilson County. The company plans to expand the existing facility and create an additional 125 jobs in Wilson by...
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that Linamar Corporation will be acquiring and expanding the Carolina Forge Company facility in Wilson County. The company plans to expand the existing facility and create an additional 125 jobs in Wilson by...
Student Government Association Historian Elizabeth Cobb is already hard at work in her new role as a student leader.
Student Government Association Historian Elizabeth Cobb is already hard at work in her new role as a student leader.
Automotive parts manufacturer to invest $18 million in Lee & Alamance counties
Automotive parts manufacturer to invest $18 million in Lee & Alamance counties
Governor Pat McCrory and N.C. Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that BorgWarner Turbo Systems is expanding its North Carolina manufacturing operations in Buncombe County. The company plans to create 63 jobs and invest more than $32 million over the next three years in Arden.
Governor Pat McCrory and N.C. Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that BorgWarner Turbo Systems is expanding its North Carolina manufacturing operations in Buncombe County. The company plans to create 63 jobs and invest more than $32 million over the next three years in Arden.
The Automobile Club and the Automotive Systems Technology Program at Beaufort County Community College will sell barbecued chicken plates 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 10, behind Building 2 on the BCCC campus.
The Automobile Club and the Automotive Systems Technology Program at Beaufort County Community College will sell barbecued chicken plates 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 10, behind Building 2 on the BCCC campus.
First annual Car, Truck and Bike show at Beaufort County Community College, located in Washington, North Carolina on April 5th, 2014.
First annual Car, Truck and Bike show at Beaufort County Community College, located in Washington, North Carolina on April 5th, 2014.
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that GKN Driveline will expand its Catawba County manufacturing facility.
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that GKN Driveline will expand its Catawba County manufacturing facility.
Tesla Motors Inc. was in trouble in North Carolina. Prohibited from opening showrooms there, it was on the way to being unable to sell cars at all when the state Senate voted unanimously to block online auto sales.
Tesla Motors Inc. was in trouble in North Carolina. Prohibited from opening showrooms there, it was on the way to being unable to sell cars at all when the state Senate voted unanimously to block online auto sales.
A three-member panel of the state's Disciplinary Hearing Commission decided at an Oct. 21 hearing to suspend former Mecklenburg County Judge Bill Belk's law license for three years for violating a rule of conduct. Belk, who insists the violation is nothing more than a misunderstanding he...
A three-member panel of the state's Disciplinary Hearing Commission decided at an Oct. 21 hearing to suspend former Mecklenburg County Judge Bill Belk's law license for three years for violating a rule of conduct. Belk, who insists the violation is nothing more than a misunderstanding he...
A three-member panel of the state's Disciplinary Hearing Commission ruled Friday that former Judge Bill Belk, 64, violated the Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys because he was untruthful when interviewed four years ago about his outside activities while he was a District Court judge in Mec
A three-member panel of the state's Disciplinary Hearing Commission ruled Friday that former Judge Bill Belk, 64, violated the Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys because he was untruthful when interviewed four years ago about his outside activities while he was a District Court judge in Mec
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. will expand its manufacturing facility in Henderson County.
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. will expand its manufacturing facility in Henderson County.
Mr. Neil Colin Alligood, 64, a resident of 5907 Slatestone Road, Washington, N.C., died Saturday, May 28, 2011, at Pitt County Memorial Hospital in Greenville, N.C.
Mr. Neil Colin Alligood, 64, a resident of 5907 Slatestone Road, Washington, N.C., died Saturday, May 28, 2011, at Pitt County Memorial Hospital in Greenville, N.C.


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