Results found for barbara jackson | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for barbara jackson

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In the heat of partisan battle, much discussion about North Carolina’s Supreme Court election focuses on the current split between the court’s Republicans and Democrats
In the heat of partisan battle, much discussion about North Carolina’s Supreme Court election focuses on the current split between the court’s Republicans and Democrats
Unaffiliated North Carolina voters are trending Republican, the conservative Civitas Institute found in its latest statewide poll. Even so, the Democratic Party maintains a lead on the generic ballot
Unaffiliated North Carolina voters are trending Republican, the conservative Civitas Institute found in its latest statewide poll. Even so, the Democratic Party maintains a lead on the generic ballot
In the race for a seat on the N.C. Supreme Court, voters are the highest-ranking judges
N.C. Democrats have traditionally used courts as political chess pieces, but Republicans are trying - mistakenly - to turn the game in their favor by making institutional changes to boost party power, experts say
N.C. Democrats have traditionally used courts as political chess pieces, but Republicans are trying - mistakenly - to turn the game in their favor by making institutional changes to boost party power, experts say


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