Results found for body politic | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for body politic

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Nominal Republicans Frankie Waters and John Rebholz made an effective stand against Election Integrity, in concert with their fellow Democratic Socialist caucus members, to stop cold this resolution to limit Voter Fraud in North Carolina.
Nominal Republicans Frankie Waters and John Rebholz made an effective stand against Election Integrity, in concert with their fellow Democratic Socialist caucus members, to stop cold this resolution to limit Voter Fraud in North Carolina.
Beaufort County citizens have a voice in this self-governing conundrum of these States United, and it must not be canceled, or held politically hostage by the false problems promoted by the Democratic Socialists, whose purpose is to destroy this Representative Republic.
Beaufort County citizens have a voice in this self-governing conundrum of these States United, and it must not be canceled, or held politically hostage by the false problems promoted by the Democratic Socialists, whose purpose is to destroy this Representative Republic.
I don't pretend to know all that traverses the collective mind of the U.S. Senate body politic, but the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve Brett Kavanaugh to move forward to the entire senate for the affirmation of their duty to advise and consent will be rendered this week.
I don't pretend to know all that traverses the collective mind of the U.S. Senate body politic, but the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve Brett Kavanaugh to move forward to the entire senate for the affirmation of their duty to advise and consent will be rendered this week.


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