Results found for bureaucrats | Eastern North Carolina Now

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8 Results found for bureaucrats

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took perhaps his first shot at former President Donald Trump over the weekend for effectively making unelected health bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci the most powerful person in the U.S. government
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took perhaps his first shot at former President Donald Trump over the weekend for effectively making unelected health bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci the most powerful person in the U.S. government
would make it much easier to challenge bureaucratic regulations
would make it much easier to challenge bureaucratic regulations
When is losing the entire value of your property due to government regulation, not an “undue hardship”?
When is losing the entire value of your property due to government regulation, not an “undue hardship”?
Looks like a really smart person (Bill Gates) has come up with Foolishness without my help.
Looks like a really smart person (Bill Gates) has come up with Foolishness without my help.
The university where I teach, George Mason University (GMU), has a speech code which purports to regulate the speech of students in the interest of civility and educational values.
The university where I teach, George Mason University (GMU), has a speech code which purports to regulate the speech of students in the interest of civility and educational values.
Every day I drive past a gas station and convenience store, the Grocery Boy Junior on Lake Wheeler Road in Raleigh.
Every day I drive past a gas station and convenience store, the Grocery Boy Junior on Lake Wheeler Road in Raleigh.
It's a story that just keeps repeating itself, with some variations, such as the names changing but the basic proposition remains the same.
A mother in Hoke County complains her daughter was forced to eat a school lunch because a government inspector determined her home-made lunch did not meet nutrition requirements.
A mother in Hoke County complains her daughter was forced to eat a school lunch because a government inspector determined her home-made lunch did not meet nutrition requirements.


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