Results found for carter wrenn | Eastern North Carolina Now

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5 Results found for carter wrenn

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In case you missed it, National Review has a great writeup on next year's showdown between Renee Ellmers and Jim Duncan in the 2nd district GOP primary.
In case you missed it, National Review has a great writeup on next year's showdown between Renee Ellmers and Jim Duncan in the 2nd district GOP primary.
Carter Wrenn - Richard Morgan's pre-weight loss doppelganger - has surfaced like Captain Ahab's white whale to do a wee bit of the GOP establishment's dirty work in a post on his low-traffic, lightly-read web site
Carter Wrenn - Richard Morgan's pre-weight loss doppelganger - has surfaced like Captain Ahab's white whale to do a wee bit of the GOP establishment's dirty work in a post on his low-traffic, lightly-read web site
The other day Thomas Edsall of the New York Times reported that a terrible thing has happened. Since the Voting Rights Act passed, the number of Black state legislators has grown from fewer than 5 to 313 - but at the same time, Black political power has diminished.
The other day Thomas Edsall of the New York Times reported that a terrible thing has happened. Since the Voting Rights Act passed, the number of Black state legislators has grown from fewer than 5 to 313 - but at the same time, Black political power has diminished.
How on earth could an Obama-liberal be one of the four Republican Leaders in the State House?
Democrat Gary Pearce is beside himself over the appointment of former Wake County Schools superintendent Tony Tata as state DOT secretary.
Democrat Gary Pearce is beside himself over the appointment of former Wake County Schools superintendent Tony Tata as state DOT secretary.


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