Results found for central piedmont community college | Eastern North Carolina Now

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7 Results found for central piedmont community college

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Major Business and Education Leaders Joined Governor Cooper at Central Piedmont Community College to Celebrate North Carolina’s Top Spot Ranking and World-Class Workforce
Major Business and Education Leaders Joined Governor Cooper at Central Piedmont Community College to Celebrate North Carolina’s Top Spot Ranking and World-Class Workforce
Legal counsel for the Project on Fair Representation sent a letter to Central Piedmont Community College, because a fully funded fellowship program there is purportedly only open to “Black / African American” candidates.
Legal counsel for the Project on Fair Representation sent a letter to Central Piedmont Community College, because a fully funded fellowship program there is purportedly only open to “Black / African American” candidates.
Today, Central Piedmont Community College (Central Piedmont) will be the latest recipient of unclaimed cash when State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, presents a check for $2,243.82 to representatives of the college.
Today, Central Piedmont Community College (Central Piedmont) will be the latest recipient of unclaimed cash when State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, presents a check for $2,243.82 to representatives of the college.
Visit to Central Piedmont Community College Kicks Off Series of Visits to Spotlight Program Over 11,000 Students Have Received Grants to Continue Their Education Totaling More Than $4.6 Million Thus Far
Visit to Central Piedmont Community College Kicks Off Series of Visits to Spotlight Program Over 11,000 Students Have Received Grants to Continue Their Education Totaling More Than $4.6 Million Thus Far
UNC-Chapel Hill is expanding its transfer student program by adding partnerships with Guilford Technical and Central Piedmont community colleges.
UNC-Chapel Hill is expanding its transfer student program by adding partnerships with Guilford Technical and Central Piedmont community colleges.
Governor Pat McCrory kicked off the first of five forums today that will help job seekers and small business owners learn about opportunities for employment with the state.
Governor Pat McCrory kicked off the first of five forums today that will help job seekers and small business owners learn about opportunities for employment with the state.
Governor Pat McCrory applauded the passage of the $2 billion Connect NC Bond proposal, which will enable North Carolina to build the infrastructure that will improve the state's quality of life for generations to come.
Governor Pat McCrory applauded the passage of the $2 billion Connect NC Bond proposal, which will enable North Carolina to build the infrastructure that will improve the state's quality of life for generations to come.


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