Results found for chatham county gop | Eastern North Carolina Now

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2 Results found for chatham county gop

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To the disappointment of many conservatives in The Second Congressional District, The State of North Carolina, and the nation, Chatham County GOP chairman Jim Duncan is taking a pass on a run for Congress in 2014.
To the disappointment of many conservatives in The Second Congressional District, The State of North Carolina, and the nation, Chatham County GOP chairman Jim Duncan is taking a pass on a run for Congress in 2014.
I spoke with a well-placed Tea Party activist based in The Second Congressional District who confirmed for me what has been one of the region's worst kept secrets for some time: Renee Ellmers is getting a primary opponent.
I spoke with a well-placed Tea Party activist based in The Second Congressional District who confirmed for me what has been one of the region's worst kept secrets for some time: Renee Ellmers is getting a primary opponent.


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