Results found for christopher robin | Eastern North Carolina Now

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22 Results found for christopher robin

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It was late in the evening when I drove up to the rabbit patch, yesterday. The sun looked like a tangerine as it sunk behind the trees, blackened by its' light.
It was late in the evening when I drove up to the rabbit patch, yesterday. The sun looked like a tangerine as it sunk behind the trees, blackened by its' light.
The "early service", this morning was as peaceful as any I have ever attended.
The "early service", this morning was as peaceful as any I have ever attended.
As usual, I woke early, this morning. It was dark and rain was falling. I had the window up, as it has been so mild.
As usual, I woke early, this morning. It was dark and rain was falling. I had the window up, as it has been so mild.
It is morning and the sun is proclaiming it brightly. I love weekend mornings for they are born without haste. I do not consult the clock on days like Saturday.
It is morning and the sun is proclaiming it brightly. I love weekend mornings for they are born without haste. I do not consult the clock on days like Saturday.
Schools are closed today due to a tropical storm. I got up early anyway. It was raining at daybreak, as it is now.
Schools are closed today due to a tropical storm. I got up early anyway. It was raining at daybreak, as it is now.
January is more like itself today. There is a cold wind blowing, pruning the winter trees and warning the daffodils all in one breath.
January is more like itself today. There is a cold wind blowing, pruning the winter trees and warning the daffodils all in one breath.
I returned to the rabbit patch from Elizabeth City and found things in good order.
I returned to the rabbit patch from Elizabeth City and found things in good order.
I woke yesterday morning to the sound of a steady rain falling over the rabbit patch.
I woke yesterday morning to the sound of a steady rain falling over the rabbit patch.
The first day of the New Year is a cold and rainy event in Elizabeth City. The little town is quiet this morning-as far as I know, I could be the only one awake from the looks around.
The first day of the New Year is a cold and rainy event in Elizabeth City. The little town is quiet this morning-as far as I know, I could be the only one awake from the looks around.
The weather at the rabbit patch is mild, though it is early winter. Today, I have a few windows up.
The weather at the rabbit patch is mild, though it is early winter. Today, I have a few windows up.
It is that time, when bells are ringing and children are singing. It is the Christmas season, the most wonderful time of the year, many say.
It is that time, when bells are ringing and children are singing. It is the Christmas season, the most wonderful time of the year, many say.
Autumn has made its' presence known at the rabbit patch-and it came bearing gifts. The whole affair seems "royal" in nature-complete with a treasure chest of precious gems in every hue
Autumn has made its' presence known at the rabbit patch-and it came bearing gifts. The whole affair seems "royal" in nature-complete with a treasure chest of precious gems in every hue
The "old people" used to say "where there is smoke, there is fire." They said this often, when something seemed obvious, hoping we kids would learn the art of deducting facts and making conclusions.
The "old people" used to say "where there is smoke, there is fire." They said this often, when something seemed obvious, hoping we kids would learn the art of deducting facts and making conclusions.
Lately, when a day ends, I declare its' beauty and feel certain it is the "fairest of all".
Lately, when a day ends, I declare its' beauty and feel certain it is the "fairest of all".
I am quite sure that all the world sings in October. I saw the sun rise this morning on my drive to work-and this day was born in a beautiful manner, I can assure you-and worthy of a song
I am quite sure that all the world sings in October. I saw the sun rise this morning on my drive to work-and this day was born in a beautiful manner, I can assure you-and worthy of a song
I sure was happy when the lamp on the morning table came on yesterday
I sure was happy when the lamp on the morning table came on yesterday
The rain fell most of the night on the rabbit patch. It was falling this morning, when I awakened.
The rain fell most of the night on the rabbit patch. It was falling this morning, when I awakened.
Rain has fallen the last few days at the rabbit patch-and everywhere around it. The sidewalks end a long ways from the rabbit patch and the yard is muddy.
Rain has fallen the last few days at the rabbit patch-and everywhere around it. The sidewalks end a long ways from the rabbit patch and the yard is muddy.
The rain fell most of the night on the rabbit patch. It was falling this morning, when I awakened. It has fallen all day and is doing so now, as well.
The rain fell most of the night on the rabbit patch. It was falling this morning, when I awakened. It has fallen all day and is doing so now, as well.
Sunday dinner is over and I am at the morning table, watching it rain through the morning window.
Sunday dinner is over and I am at the morning table, watching it rain through the morning window.
I have a beautiful drive home from work. Past fields and through woodlands, under big sky, I journey on to get back to the rabbit patch.
I have a beautiful drive home from work. Past fields and through woodlands, under big sky, I journey on to get back to the rabbit patch.
Today did not start out like any other day at the rabbit patch. My internal alarm is usually quite reliable, still I set an alarm just in case. Neither did their job this morning.
Today did not start out like any other day at the rabbit patch. My internal alarm is usually quite reliable, still I set an alarm just in case. Neither did their job this morning.


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