Results found for clemency | Eastern North Carolina Now

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9 Results found for clemency

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Commutations are first after Governor’s Juvenile Sentence Review Board examined cases
President Donald J. Trump granted pardons to 73 individuals and commuted the sentences of an additional 70 individuals
President Donald J. Trump granted pardons to 73 individuals and commuted the sentences of an additional 70 individuals
Today, President Donald J. Trump granted Full Pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals.
Today, President Donald J. Trump granted Full Pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals.
Today, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency to commute the sentences of the following individuals: Lenora Logan, Rashella Reed, Charles Tanner, John Bolen, and Curtis McDonald.
Today, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency to commute the sentences of the following individuals: Lenora Logan, Rashella Reed, Charles Tanner, John Bolen, and Curtis McDonald.
Today, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency (Full Pardons) for Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., and his son, Steven Hammond.
Today, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency (Full Pardons) for Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., and his son, Steven Hammond.
Today, President Donald J. Trump issued an Executive Grant of Clemency (Full Pardon) posthumously to John Arthur "Jack" Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight Champion of the World, for a Mann Act conviction that occurred during a period of racial tension more than a century ago.
Today, President Donald J. Trump issued an Executive Grant of Clemency (Full Pardon) posthumously to John Arthur "Jack" Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight Champion of the World, for a Mann Act conviction that occurred during a period of racial tension more than a century ago.
Today, President Donald J. Trump issued an Executive Grant of Clemency (Full Pardon) to I. "Scooter" Lewis Libby, former Chief of Staff to Vice President Richard Cheney, for convictions stemming from a 2007 trial.
Today, President Donald J. Trump issued an Executive Grant of Clemency (Full Pardon) to I. "Scooter" Lewis Libby, former Chief of Staff to Vice President Richard Cheney, for convictions stemming from a 2007 trial.
Governor Pat McCrory has granted a Pardon of Innocence to Edward McInnis, who served 27 years in prison for crimes he did not commit. Governor McCrory called McInnis today to inform him of his decision
Governor Pat McCrory has granted a Pardon of Innocence to Edward McInnis, who served 27 years in prison for crimes he did not commit. Governor McCrory called McInnis today to inform him of his decision


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