Results found for commute | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for commute

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Those no longer facing the death penalty include a cop-killer and a man who kidnapped and murdered a 12-year-old girl.
Those no longer facing the death penalty include a cop-killer and a man who kidnapped and murdered a 12-year-old girl.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentence of one person in a North Carolina prison and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentence of one person in a North Carolina prison and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentences of six people in North Carolina prisons and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentences of six people in North Carolina prisons and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
A few days a week, I ride a Triangle Transit 301 bus to and from the palatial Civitas HQ in the Warehouse District of Raleigh. But even as a transit rider, my blood runs cold when I hear government planners are plotting ways to bring throw taxpayers' money at light-rail systems and commuter rail...
A few days a week, I ride a Triangle Transit 301 bus to and from the palatial Civitas HQ in the Warehouse District of Raleigh. But even as a transit rider, my blood runs cold when I hear government planners are plotting ways to bring throw taxpayers' money at light-rail systems and commuter rail...


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