Results found for confederate battle flag | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for confederate battle flag

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Let's be honest. The toppling of the Confederate monuments, the demonization of the Confederate battle flag, the vilification of the names and memories of our treasured white Founding Fathers (and especially anyone of them who happened to own a slave), and the erasing of our history.
Let's be honest. The toppling of the Confederate monuments, the demonization of the Confederate battle flag, the vilification of the names and memories of our treasured white Founding Fathers (and especially anyone of them who happened to own a slave), and the erasing of our history.
This has been one of the most trying months in America leading up to July 4. We have the tragic shooting in SC with their Legislature now debating whether to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from their complex.
This has been one of the most trying months in America leading up to July 4. We have the tragic shooting in SC with their Legislature now debating whether to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from their complex.
Yesterday’s news was full of the “Great Flag Controversy.” I was born in Pickens County. SC, while my father was Pastor of the Liberty First Baptist Church.
Yesterday’s news was full of the “Great Flag Controversy.” I was born in Pickens County. SC, while my father was Pastor of the Liberty First Baptist Church.


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