Results found for county board of elections | Eastern North Carolina Now

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59 Results found for county board of elections

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County Board of Elections says that modems were never used.
Democratic judicial candidate Tim Gunther is disqualified from election after admitting to the Wake County Board of Elections he violated state law.
Democratic judicial candidate Tim Gunther is disqualified from election after admitting to the Wake County Board of Elections he violated state law.
The protests filed by Cheri Beasley in 90 North Carolina Counties have not landed well with County Boards of Elections.
The protests filed by Cheri Beasley in 90 North Carolina Counties have not landed well with County Boards of Elections.
Beaufort County Board of Elections Supervisor Kellie Hopkins takes her place in the "What's Happening NOW" to discuss Absentee Ballots in North Carolina vs. Universal Mass Mailing.
Beaufort County Board of Elections Supervisor Kellie Hopkins takes her place in the "What's Happening NOW" to discuss Absentee Ballots in North Carolina vs. Universal Mass Mailing.
The State Board of Elections on Thursday appointed three members to the Bladen County Board of Elections, but declined to appoint additional nominees who had served on that Board in the recent past.
The State Board of Elections on Thursday appointed three members to the Bladen County Board of Elections, but declined to appoint additional nominees who had served on that Board in the recent past.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper appointed new members to the State Board of Elections.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper appointed new members to the State Board of Elections.
One-Stop Daily Total from Beaufort County Board of Elections as of Friday, May 5, 2018
One-Stop Daily Total from Beaufort County Board of Elections as of Friday, April 30, 2018
One-Stop Daily Total from Beaufort County Board of Elections as of Friday, April 27, 2018
A smattering of Belhaven voters' statuses have been challenged by other local voters, whereby, the Beaufort County Board of Elections have been charged with the task of this electorate's public remedy.
A smattering of Belhaven voters' statuses have been challenged by other local voters, whereby, the Beaufort County Board of Elections have been charged with the task of this electorate's public remedy.
The Wake County Board of Elections will revert to using the maps that were in place in 2011 for this year's school board and county commissioner elections, a federal judge has ruled.
The Wake County Board of Elections will revert to using the maps that were in place in 2011 for this year's school board and county commissioner elections, a federal judge has ruled.
The State Board of Elections today designated a special filing for the office of Superior Court Judge in District 3B, beginning at noon on Monday, April 4th and ending at noon on Friday, April 8.
The State Board of Elections today designated a special filing for the office of Superior Court Judge in District 3B, beginning at noon on Monday, April 4th and ending at noon on Friday, April 8.
The State Board of Elections is reminding voters that tomorrow is Election Day and the deadline to postmark mail-in absentee ballots.
The State Board of Elections is reminding voters that tomorrow is Election Day and the deadline to postmark mail-in absentee ballots.
FYI Per Kim Strach, Executive Director, State Board of Elections. I have highlighted important elements as far as how this office (Beaufort Count BOE) will proceed with the March 15th Primary until directed to do otherwise .
FYI Per Kim Strach, Executive Director, State Board of Elections. I have highlighted important elements as far as how this office (Beaufort Count BOE) will proceed with the March 15th Primary until directed to do otherwise .
Candidate for mayor, Adam O"Neal, suddenly realized something unusual was going to happen in the Belhaven polling place on election day.
Candidate for mayor, Adam O"Neal, suddenly realized something unusual was going to happen in the Belhaven polling place on election day.
The Durham County Board of Elections met to hear the challenge to Ivanna Gonzalez's voter registration. In less than an hour, the two board members present (one Democrat and one Republican), voted to dismiss the case for lack of evidence.
The Durham County Board of Elections met to hear the challenge to Ivanna Gonzalez's voter registration. In less than an hour, the two board members present (one Democrat and one Republican), voted to dismiss the case for lack of evidence.
On Thursday afternoon, just before the close of their business day, Stan Deatherage filed to retain the Beaufort County Commissioner seat that he has now held for 5 terms.
On Thursday afternoon, just before the close of their business day, Stan Deatherage filed to retain the Beaufort County Commissioner seat that he has now held for 5 terms.
The State Board of Elections and all county boards of election are controlled, by law, by a majority of members of the same party as the Governor.
The State Board of Elections and all county boards of election are controlled, by law, by a majority of members of the same party as the Governor.
On Thursday afternoon, just before the close of their business day, Stan Deatherage filed to retain the Beaufort County Commissioner seat that he has now held for 5 terms.
On Thursday afternoon, just before the close of their business day, Stan Deatherage filed to retain the Beaufort County Commissioner seat that he has now held for 5 terms.
We’ve been slow on filing, but had one very vibrant filer at the end of the day! Stan Deatherage filed on the Republican ticket.
We’ve been slow on filing, but had one very vibrant filer at the end of the day! Stan Deatherage filed on the Republican ticket.
Ashley Woolard for NC House District 6 on the Republican ticket and Harry Meredith for Sheriff on the Republican ticket.
Ashley Woolard for NC House District 6 on the Republican ticket and Harry Meredith for Sheriff on the Republican ticket.
Attached is the updated spreadsheet for Candidate filings. We had 4 file today.
The North Carolina State Republican Board of Elections met this morning (12-20-13) at 9:00 a.m. and kicked off the meeting with a real "Boss Hog" attitude.
The North Carolina State Republican Board of Elections met this morning (12-20-13) at 9:00 a.m. and kicked off the meeting with a real "Boss Hog" attitude.
The N. C. Board of Elections (SBOE) is making a mockery of the State's motto: Esse quam videri--To be, rather than to seem.
We're riding out 2013′s last gasps from The Haymaker's Watauga County outpost.
When I met Rob Coffman last month, he shook my hand and introduced himself as "the evil and incompetent Rob Coffman."
When I met Rob Coffman last month, he shook my hand and introduced himself as "the evil and incompetent Rob Coffman."
The Watauga County Board of Elections met on August 12 and "welcomed" a new board member who was ultimately elected chairman, Luke Eggers , a Republican. He had been sworn in almost one month after the other two board members, Bill Aceto, a Republican, and Kathleen Campbell, a Democrat.
The Watauga County Board of Elections met on August 12 and "welcomed" a new board member who was ultimately elected chairman, Luke Eggers , a Republican. He had been sworn in almost one month after the other two board members, Bill Aceto, a Republican, and Kathleen Campbell, a Democrat.
Filing for the Washington Park Commissioner race ended today, August 23rd, at 5 PM. We had 2 candidates file this week for the vacant position in Washington Prrk, NC.
Filing for the Washington Park Commissioner race ended today, August 23rd, at 5 PM. We had 2 candidates file this week for the vacant position in Washington Prrk, NC.
It is expected to take a little more than two years to implement the new voter photo ID law, but it will take a lot longer to change the dysfunctional culture that is entrenched in the state and local boards of elections and their staffs.
It is expected to take a little more than two years to implement the new voter photo ID law, but it will take a lot longer to change the dysfunctional culture that is entrenched in the state and local boards of elections and their staffs.
The Beaufort County Board of Elections was notified on Tuesday, August 13th, of the passing of Commissioner and Candidate Don Wilkinson of the Town of Washington Park.
The Beaufort County Board of Elections was notified on Tuesday, August 13th, of the passing of Commissioner and Candidate Don Wilkinson of the Town of Washington Park.
Reminder: Filing ends at noon tomorrow, Friday July 19th. Candidacy forms must be received by this office by the noon deadline.
Reminder: Filing ends at noon tomorrow, Friday July 19th. Candidacy forms must be received by this office by the noon deadline.
Up until today, July 18, 2013, we have had many candidates to file.
Up until today, July 17, 2013, we have had many candidates to file.
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