Results found for craftsman | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for craftsman

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Over the last four years, my family has had the immense honor of being able to call the "People's House" our home.
However, photography is not an artform, unless, and this is a huge unless; one deliberately puts themselves in that special place to make that special image, or, moreover, has a body of work where they have done so to elicit a visceral emotion from more than a handful of knowledgeable people.
However, photography is not an artform, unless, and this is a huge unless; one deliberately puts themselves in that special place to make that special image, or, moreover, has a body of work where they have done so to elicit a visceral emotion from more than a handful of knowledgeable people.
In my 40 years as an industrial sales engineer, I have been in almost every kind of manufacturing plant possible from Waste Stuff to. Shineola.
In my 40 years as an industrial sales engineer, I have been in almost every kind of manufacturing plant possible from Waste Stuff to. Shineola.
Where's the craftsmanship and quality in today's society?
Where's the craftsmanship and quality in today's society?


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