Results found for drug dealer | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for drug dealer

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Democratic state Senate candidate J.D. Wooten rented two Greensboro houses he owns to a convicted drug dealer, according to news reports.
Democratic state Senate candidate J.D. Wooten rented two Greensboro houses he owns to a convicted drug dealer, according to news reports.
Who does it take for the NC General Assembly to move fast? Apparently lawmakers can act swiftly if they want to legalize hemp, a relative of marijuana, especially when four lobbyists are on the job, and when the son of a political insider stands to benefit.
Who does it take for the NC General Assembly to move fast? Apparently lawmakers can act swiftly if they want to legalize hemp, a relative of marijuana, especially when four lobbyists are on the job, and when the son of a political insider stands to benefit.
Federal prosecutor Denise Walker, who was forced into hiding for six weeks as a result of a drug dealer's threats to have her killed...
Federal prosecutor Denise Walker, who was forced into hiding for six weeks as a result of a drug dealer's threats to have her killed...
A good and wise minister friend of mine sent me a most insightful article concerning the situation in Baltimore.
A good and wise minister friend of mine sent me a most insightful article concerning the situation in Baltimore.


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