Results found for emergency management act | Eastern North Carolina Now

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8 Results found for emergency management act

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At the John Locke Foundation we have been highly critical of Gov. Roy Cooper’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis ever since he issued his first lockdown order in March of 2020
At the John Locke Foundation we have been highly critical of Gov. Roy Cooper’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis ever since he issued his first lockdown order in March of 2020
The governor has leveraged the language of the N.C. Emergency Management Act to indefinitely and unilaterally issue majorly disruptive edicts.
The governor has leveraged the language of the N.C. Emergency Management Act to indefinitely and unilaterally issue majorly disruptive edicts.
A Greenville bar owner’s lawsuit challenging the state Emergency Management Act is heading to a three-judge panel.
A Greenville bar owner’s lawsuit challenging the state Emergency Management Act is heading to a three-judge panel.
Looking into January, state legislative sessions will begin across the nation. For many states, a critical focus point will be on the emergency powers those states’ governments have exercised in the wake of COVID-19.
Looking into January, state legislative sessions will begin across the nation. For many states, a critical focus point will be on the emergency powers those states’ governments have exercised in the wake of COVID-19.
Bar owners from six counties across North Carolina are going to court to challenge the governor’s executive orders shutting down their businesses.
Bar owners from six counties across North Carolina are going to court to challenge the governor’s executive orders shutting down their businesses.
Gov. Roy Cooper has taken long-term control of the movements and actions of more than 10 million North Carolinians through the state’s Emergency Management Act.
Gov. Roy Cooper has taken long-term control of the movements and actions of more than 10 million North Carolinians through the state’s Emergency Management Act.
Today, I notified Governor Cooper that, as a member of the Council of State, I will be suing his administration for violating the Emergency Management Act.
Today, I notified Governor Cooper that, as a member of the Council of State, I will be suing his administration for violating the Emergency Management Act.


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