Results found for fisherman | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for fisherman

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“We're getting killed for the sake of going green,” fisherman declares outside the Supreme Court
North Carolina commercial fishermen hit hard by Hurricane Florence will soon get relief as part of $11.6 million being distributed by the state Division of Marine Fisheries, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
North Carolina commercial fishermen hit hard by Hurricane Florence will soon get relief as part of $11.6 million being distributed by the state Division of Marine Fisheries, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
Rex Kavanaugh Spring, 69, of 6390 N. C. Highway 45-North, Belhaven, died at his home on Tuesday, June 10, 2014.
Rex Kavanaugh Spring, 69, of 6390 N. C. Highway 45-North, Belhaven, died at his home on Tuesday, June 10, 2014.
HB 983, now pending in the Legislature is another example of how public policy is made, and especially how it is administered, that is based bogus science and data that borders on "witch's brew."
HB 983, now pending in the Legislature is another example of how public policy is made, and especially how it is administered, that is based bogus science and data that borders on "witch's brew."