Results found for founding principles | Eastern North Carolina Now

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8 Results found for founding principles

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North Carolina legislators, education officials, and concerned citizens are debating two aspects of the Advanced Placement U.S. History course, which has been revised recently by the College Board.
North Carolina legislators, education officials, and concerned citizens are debating two aspects of the Advanced Placement U.S. History course, which has been revised recently by the College Board.
This article ranks among the most important we have ever posted on the Beaufort Observer. We urge you to not only read it in its entirety but to reflect upon what it presents.
This article ranks among the most important we have ever posted on the Beaufort Observer. We urge you to not only read it in its entirety but to reflect upon what it presents.
Our Founding Fathers risked everything, their fortunes, their wealth, and their lives to break away from tyranny, and to form the United States of America where everyone is free to pursue their dreams.
Our Founding Fathers risked everything, their fortunes, their wealth, and their lives to break away from tyranny, and to form the United States of America where everyone is free to pursue their dreams.
On Thursday, the 21st of June, you are called to attend the U.S. Constitution Seminar taught by Dr. Charles Taylor. The cost of the teaching materials is $5.00, and the benefits derived from this experience will last a lifetime.
On Thursday, the 21st of June, you are called to attend the U.S. Constitution Seminar taught by Dr. Charles Taylor. The cost of the teaching materials is $5.00, and the benefits derived from this experience will last a lifetime.
One of the very first magazine articles I wrote for pay, appearing in The Freeman magazine, had the colorfully oleaginous title of "Gray Markets and Greased Pigs."
One of the very first magazine articles I wrote for pay, appearing in The Freeman magazine, had the colorfully oleaginous title of "Gray Markets and Greased Pigs."
Calvin Coolidge once said: "To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race."
Calvin Coolidge once said: "To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race."
We want to motivate, inspire and activate this generation to be Patriots with Moral Character. We want to help find, develop, and train leaders to help restore our country to the Republic our Founding Fathers meant it to be.
We want to motivate, inspire and activate this generation to be Patriots with Moral Character. We want to help find, develop, and train leaders to help restore our country to the Republic our Founding Fathers meant it to be.
The Conservative Republican Club hosted a very dynamic speaker in Dr. Greg Brannon from Cary who is a real Patriot. He is a practicing OB/Gyn doctor.
The Conservative Republican Club hosted a very dynamic speaker in Dr. Greg Brannon from Cary who is a real Patriot. He is a practicing OB/Gyn doctor.