Results found for frank roche | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for frank roche

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Well, the Second District GOP primary race for 2016 is getting7_number to be quite a crowded affair. We've all known incumbent Renee Ellmers was running for reelection. We've known about challengers Jim Duncan, Kay Daly and Frank Roche.
Well, the Second District GOP primary race for 2016 is getting7_number to be quite a crowded affair. We've all known incumbent Renee Ellmers was running for reelection. We've known about challengers Jim Duncan, Kay Daly and Frank Roche.
Democratic congressional candidates Toni Morris and former state Secretary of Commerce Keith Crisco espouse similar political beliefs, such as the need to raise taxes while cutting spending.
Democratic congressional candidates Toni Morris and former state Secretary of Commerce Keith Crisco espouse similar political beliefs, such as the need to raise taxes while cutting spending.
It appears that Raleigh-based radio talk show host Frank Roche will be jumping into the 2014 Second Congressional District GOP primary. The district is currently represented by Republican Renee Ellmers of Dunn.
It appears that Raleigh-based radio talk show host Frank Roche will be jumping into the 2014 Second Congressional District GOP primary. The district is currently represented by Republican Renee Ellmers of Dunn.


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