Edward Lazear explains at National Review Online that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden offers the wrong prescription for helping America’s poor.
Published: Wednesday, September 16th, 2020 @ 7:07 am
By: John Locke Foundation
Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic include the importance of keeping money in savings to cushion an economic shutdown.
Published: Friday, June 26th, 2020 @ 10:39 am
By: Carolina Journal
Freedom of the press and the freedom to operate in a free and open market is critical to maintaining the ideals of liberty and democracy
Published: Monday, May 7th, 2018 @ 12:50 am
By: John Locke Foundation
Senate leaders are proposing a $1 billion middle class tax reduction plan that would lower personal and corporate income taxes, increase mortgage interest deductions, and allow for unlimited medical and charitable tax deductions
Published: Monday, March 20th, 2017 @ 8:58 pm
By: John Locke Foundation
This year's legislative session turned out to be an ideological struggle, not between Republicans and Democrats, but between two factions within the Republican Party. (The factions exist outside the GOP as well, but Republicans control the governor's office and hold supermajorities to make...
Published: Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 @ 5:45 am
By: John Locke Foundation
At a recent event with Harry Reid in Las Vegas President Obama accused conservatives of being inconsistent in their support for free markets. Why? Apparently because they are "not for" solar power. Here's what he had to say to the gathering...
Published: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015 @ 4:45 am
By: John Locke Foundation
As government agencies continue to push for growth, with the help of their special-interest allies and mainstream media outlets, advocates for free markets and limited government have to work hard to get their messages heard in the public policy debate.
Published: Wednesday, June 24th, 2015 @ 3:25 am
By: John Locke Foundation
Lovers of socialized medicine are quick to point out that the United States is the only country in the developed world that doesn't have some form of universal government run, i.e., single payer, health care system. While this may be true, the US system of health care payment and delivery does...
Published: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 @ 6:48 pm
By: John Locke Foundation
There is a proposition in public choice economics called the "special interest effect." It basically argues that government grows because, for most government programs, there are concentrated beneficiaries and diffused cost bearers. What this means is that the benefits of government programs will...
Published: Monday, February 2nd, 2015 @ 9:15 am
By: John Locke Foundation
As the legislature comes back into session, there is a renewed focus on what are typically referred to as economic incentives, or by many who are more skeptical of such programs, corporate welfare or simply cronyism. Programs that are and will continue to be debated are subsidies to...
Published: Tuesday, January 27th, 2015 @ 9:23 pm
By: John Locke Foundation
Conservatives and libertarians spend a lot of time talking about freedom: free markets, limited government, personal responsibility.
Published: Friday, February 15th, 2013 @ 9:09 pm
By: John Locke Foundation
It is a very important question since the Democrats are driving the fiscal bus, and have been for the last four years. The obvious question is: Will they drive the nation over the fiscal cliff on Monday?
Published: Saturday, December 29th, 2012 @ 9:50 am
By: Stan Deatherage
You wouldn't call someone "anti-spoon" if he preferred to use a knife to cut his steak.
Published: Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 @ 11:48 am
By: John Locke Foundation
Even capitalism's biggest fans have to admit that industrialization has made our world dirtier. At least that seems to be conventional wisdom.
Published: Sunday, August 12th, 2012 @ 6:22 pm
By: John Locke Foundation
One of the very first magazine articles I wrote for pay, appearing in The Freeman magazine, had the colorfully oleaginous title of "Gray Markets and Greased Pigs."
Published: Thursday, April 19th, 2012 @ 3:06 pm
By: John Locke Foundation