Results found for governments | Eastern North Carolina Now

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36 Results found for governments

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In a self-governed Representative Republic, elections have supreme and often severe consequences.
In a self-governed Representative Republic, elections have supreme and often severe consequences.
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the "new president" is supporting the Democratic Socialist teachers' union holding Chicago, and other local governments hostage as they seek to corral more power at the expense of those that their members are charged to serve.
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the "new president" is supporting the Democratic Socialist teachers' union holding Chicago, and other local governments hostage as they seek to corral more power at the expense of those that their members are charged to serve.
A few days ago, as I was finishing shaving, my wife mentioned that she had an upset stomach. So I handed her 2 Tums and set the bottle down on the vanity counter facing our mirror.


A few days ago, as I was finishing shaving, my wife mentioned that she had an upset stomach. So I handed her 2 Tums and set the bottle down on the vanity counter facing our mirror.
NC COVID-19 Student Response Corps Contributes to Recovery, Increases Student Support
In anticipation of delayed results from the U.S. Census this year, N.C. lawmakers have introduced a bill that gives local municipalities the option of delaying their 2021 elections to 2022.
In anticipation of delayed results from the U.S. Census this year, N.C. lawmakers have introduced a bill that gives local municipalities the option of delaying their 2021 elections to 2022.
Stacey Lennox writes at about opportunities for state governments led by Republicans to protect people’s rights.
Stacey Lennox writes at about opportunities for state governments led by Republicans to protect people’s rights.
The United States recently experienced an uptick in the number of COVID-19 cases.
While mainstream media coverage of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) threat assessment focuses on white supremacists, the lengthy report offers plenty of other serious national security threats that have selectively been ignored.
While mainstream media coverage of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) threat assessment focuses on white supremacists, the lengthy report offers plenty of other serious national security threats that have selectively been ignored.
Johnnie Carswell won’t be a tool for Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdowns.
An effort by Governor Roy Cooper’s administration is matching North Carolina college students in need of work experience with local governments and nonprofits seeking additional help to support COVID-19 response efforts.
An effort by Governor Roy Cooper’s administration is matching North Carolina college students in need of work experience with local governments and nonprofits seeking additional help to support COVID-19 response efforts.
State Treasurer Dale Folwell is demanding Gov. Roy Cooper waive executive orders that ban citizen-owned utilities from charging customers for services.
State Treasurer Dale Folwell is demanding Gov. Roy Cooper waive executive orders that ban citizen-owned utilities from charging customers for services.
Elizabeth City could go broke in August if Gov. Roy Cooper doesn’t lift restrictions on utility payments.
Elizabeth City could go broke in August if Gov. Roy Cooper doesn’t lift restrictions on utility payments.
An executive order giving people a break on utility payments threw local governments across North Carolina into financial havoc.
An executive order giving people a break on utility payments threw local governments across North Carolina into financial havoc.
The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC), North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM) and North Carolina Metropolitan Mayors Coalition (NCMMC) together call on Congress to provide significant direct and flexible financial assistance to local governments of all sizes in NC
The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC), North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM) and North Carolina Metropolitan Mayors Coalition (NCMMC) together call on Congress to provide significant direct and flexible financial assistance to local governments of all sizes in NC
Tax revenues are falling for states and local governments across the country.
Tax revenues are falling for states and local governments across the country.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper signed Executive Order No. 122 to help schools and local governments access state surplus property to help bridge gaps during the response to COVID-19.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper signed Executive Order No. 122 to help schools and local governments access state surplus property to help bridge gaps during the response to COVID-19.
John Daniel Davidson of the Federalist offers a warning to those who want the federal government to take a larger role in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.
John Daniel Davidson of the Federalist offers a warning to those who want the federal government to take a larger role in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.
The State Board of Elections is reminding colleges and universities, charter schools and state and local governments about upcoming deadlines to submit applications for their IDs to be eligible for use by voters in 2020.
The State Board of Elections is reminding colleges and universities, charter schools and state and local governments about upcoming deadlines to submit applications for their IDs to be eligible for use by voters in 2020.
As established in the federal constitution, America’s national government was meant to be small and tightly focused on matters of truly nationwide scope.
As established in the federal constitution, America’s national government was meant to be small and tightly focused on matters of truly nationwide scope.
U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored bipartisan legislation to combat the epidemic of murdered and missing Native women and girls by improving the federal government's response to addressing the crisis
U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored bipartisan legislation to combat the epidemic of murdered and missing Native women and girls by improving the federal government's response to addressing the crisis
State Revenue Secretary Ronald Penny warns that some small municipalities in rural counties shedding residents and tax base might not survive
State Revenue Secretary Ronald Penny warns that some small municipalities in rural counties shedding residents and tax base might not survive
Federalism is the key design feature of our government system here in the United States, as established by the US Constitution, and therefore is something everyone should understand.
Federalism is the key design feature of our government system here in the United States, as established by the US Constitution, and therefore is something everyone should understand.
Local media and leftist blogs are drenched in outrage over House Bill 2, which was known as "the Bathroom Bill" until they figured out they needed to focus attention about it somewhere else.
Local media and leftist blogs are drenched in outrage over House Bill 2, which was known as "the Bathroom Bill" until they figured out they needed to focus attention about it somewhere else.
The city of Asheville and customers living outside the city who rely on Asheville for their drinking water long have had a contentious relationship. The issue was again before the state's second highest court in October, this time over whether a law passed in 2013 taking control of the water...
The city of Asheville and customers living outside the city who rely on Asheville for their drinking water long have had a contentious relationship. The issue was again before the state's second highest court in October, this time over whether a law passed in 2013 taking control of the water...
Today is Election Day for many local governments across North Carolina. While it is a big day, many of the races will be overlooked by major media outlets, despite the fact that they will actually affect citizens the most. Today, 92 counties are holding an elections of some sort, and many of them...
Today is Election Day for many local governments across North Carolina. While it is a big day, many of the races will be overlooked by major media outlets, despite the fact that they will actually affect citizens the most. Today, 92 counties are holding an elections of some sort, and many of them...
Regional councils of government spanning the state have joined the growing contingent of supporters favoring Governor Pat McCrory's Connect NC bond proposal. The Albemarle Commission, the Eastern Carolina Council of Governments, the Mid-Carolina Council of Governments, the Mid-East Commission...
Regional councils of government spanning the state have joined the growing contingent of supporters favoring Governor Pat McCrory's Connect NC bond proposal. The Albemarle Commission, the Eastern Carolina Council of Governments, the Mid-Carolina Council of Governments, the Mid-East Commission...
The writer of Ecclesiastes was correct. For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.
The writer of Ecclesiastes was correct. For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.
Robeson County reduced the workweeks for 367 part-time employees and capped them at 25 hours weekly to avoid higher health insurance costs associated with mandates in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Robeson County reduced the workweeks for 367 part-time employees and capped them at 25 hours weekly to avoid higher health insurance costs associated with mandates in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Local governments should focus on using existing revenues more efficiently, monitoring the effectiveness of school funding, and simplifying rules for land use and zoning. Those are three key recommendations in the John Locke Foundation's new City and County Issue Guide 2014.
Local governments should focus on using existing revenues more efficiently, monitoring the effectiveness of school funding, and simplifying rules for land use and zoning. Those are three key recommendations in the John Locke Foundation's new City and County Issue Guide 2014.
Local governments should focus on using existing revenues more efficiently, monitoring the effectiveness of school funding, and simplifying rules for land use and zoning. Those are three key recommendations in the John Locke Foundation's new City and County Issue Guide 2014.
Local governments should focus on using existing revenues more efficiently, monitoring the effectiveness of school funding, and simplifying rules for land use and zoning. Those are three key recommendations in the John Locke Foundation's new City and County Issue Guide 2014.
Ideas that look desirable or at least workable on paper can prove to be unworkable or even disastrous when applied to the real world. Just ask the millions of Americans who, under Obamacare, have lost health plans they liked, been forced to buy more-expensive plans they don't much like, or began...
Ideas that look desirable or at least workable on paper can prove to be unworkable or even disastrous when applied to the real world. Just ask the millions of Americans who, under Obamacare, have lost health plans they liked, been forced to buy more-expensive plans they don't much like, or began...
We all make mistakes. We err as individuals and as members of groups. All businesses commit errors. All churches, charities, and voluntary associations stumble. All governments screw up.
We all make mistakes. We err as individuals and as members of groups. All businesses commit errors. All churches, charities, and voluntary associations stumble. All governments screw up.
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