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37 Results found for hb 2

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A pro-charter schools group in North Carolina is calling out Gov. Roy Cooper for factual errors in his veto message of a new charter schools bill.
A pro-charter schools group in North Carolina is calling out Gov. Roy Cooper for factual errors in his veto message of a new charter schools bill.
On Friday, both chambers of the state legislature sent House Bill 259, the state budget, to Gov. Roy Cooper’s desk for his signature.
On Friday, both chambers of the state legislature sent House Bill 259, the state budget, to Gov. Roy Cooper’s desk for his signature.
RALEIGH: Today, Governor Roy Cooper signed the following bills into law:
Here is a copy of the email I sent to ALL NC House reps.
State Auditor Beth Wood says passage of her agency bill to help clean up local governments’ slipshod financial bookkeeping is a major win for taxpayers across the state.
State Auditor Beth Wood says passage of her agency bill to help clean up local governments’ slipshod financial bookkeeping is a major win for taxpayers across the state.
Today, Governor Cooper vetoed House Bill 205
Do you remember the public discussions which went on for years about the proposed equal rights amendment to our federal Constitution?
Do you remember the public discussions which went on for years about the proposed equal rights amendment to our federal Constitution?
Proponents of Charlotte's controversial "bathroom" ordinance - including the city's attorney - claim that stripping a 1985 facilities privacy provision from the city code was of no consequence.
Proponents of Charlotte's controversial "bathroom" ordinance - including the city's attorney - claim that stripping a 1985 facilities privacy provision from the city code was of no consequence.
Civitas Action has released its annual Conservative Effectiveness Rankings of North Carolina state lawmakers for 2016.
Civitas Action has released its annual Conservative Effectiveness Rankings of North Carolina state lawmakers for 2016.
North Carolina will not stand by and let our locker rooms and high school showers be used for social experimentation at the expense of the privacy and protection of our young boys and girls.
North Carolina will not stand by and let our locker rooms and high school showers be used for social experimentation at the expense of the privacy and protection of our young boys and girls.
Don't you hate it when you read a story in a newspaper or online, or watch a news report on TV, and the reporter seems to have completely missed the essential question?
Don't you hate it when you read a story in a newspaper or online, or watch a news report on TV, and the reporter seems to have completely missed the essential question?
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Kellie Fiedorek regarding North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory’s lawsuit filed Monday against the U.S. Department of Justice concerning the state’s student privacy law, known as HB2.
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Kellie Fiedorek regarding North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory’s lawsuit filed Monday against the U.S. Department of Justice concerning the state’s student privacy law, known as HB2.
The raging debate over House Bill 2 won't end and has become a political football, only this is a not a game. Regardless of who started the fight or is continuing it, the plain and simple truth is that HB2 is damaging North Carolina.

Fix It

The raging debate over House Bill 2 won't end and has become a political football, only this is a not a game. Regardless of who started the fight or is continuing it, the plain and simple truth is that HB2 is damaging North Carolina.
In contrast, the Attorney General is using divisive rhetoric to advance the Obama administration's strategy of making laws that bypass the constitutional authority of Congress and our courts.
In contrast, the Attorney General is using divisive rhetoric to advance the Obama administration's strategy of making laws that bypass the constitutional authority of Congress and our courts.
Rocker Bruce Springsteen, a.k.a. "The Boss", will not perform in North Carolina as long as the state enacts legislation (HB 2) to protect children from being forced to use bathrooms and locker rooms with people of the opposite sex.
Rocker Bruce Springsteen, a.k.a. "The Boss", will not perform in North Carolina as long as the state enacts legislation (HB 2) to protect children from being forced to use bathrooms and locker rooms with people of the opposite sex.
Regardless of one's opinion on HB 2, it cannot overshadow or remotely counteract what North Carolina has done legislatively over the last five years to become one of the most attractive places in the country to do business, invest, live, raise a family, and retire. Since Republicans took control...
Regardless of one's opinion on HB 2, it cannot overshadow or remotely counteract what North Carolina has done legislatively over the last five years to become one of the most attractive places in the country to do business, invest, live, raise a family, and retire. Since Republicans took control...
Is there any way for the opposing sides debating North Carolina's House Bill 2 to move beyond the current impasse? The odds may be against it
Is there any way for the opposing sides debating North Carolina's House Bill 2 to move beyond the current impasse? The odds may be against it
Does the new bill limit or prohibit private sector companies from adopting their own nondiscrimination policies or practices?
Does the new bill limit or prohibit private sector companies from adopting their own nondiscrimination policies or practices?
It's interesting that Gov. McCrory is taking heat for the passage of the so-called "bathroom bill." He was opposed to the idea of a special session.
It's interesting that Gov. McCrory is taking heat for the passage of the so-called "bathroom bill." He was opposed to the idea of a special session.
Governor Pat McCrory's office issued the following statement on the governor's meeting about the bathroom privacy law.
Governor Pat McCrory's office issued the following statement on the governor's meeting about the bathroom privacy law.
Governor Pat McCrory signed the following bills into law today.
Governor Pat McCrory has signed the following bills into law.
Liberal/progressive legislators look to add yet another official form of identification to the already lengthy list of acceptable voter photo IDs with HB 240. This bill would amend the list of acceptable voter photo IDs to include college and university ID's when the new voter ID law goes into...
Liberal/progressive legislators look to add yet another official form of identification to the already lengthy list of acceptable voter photo IDs with HB 240. This bill would amend the list of acceptable voter photo IDs to include college and university ID's when the new voter ID law goes into...
Big government "progressives" love telling other people what to do (and spending other people's money). It's all about control, as a central tenant of progressivism is a strong central state controlling what should be free, voluntary associations between citizens.
Big government "progressives" love telling other people what to do (and spending other people's money). It's all about control, as a central tenant of progressivism is a strong central state controlling what should be free, voluntary associations between citizens.
Governor Pat McCrory signed six bills into law today
What do President Barack Obama and a growing number of Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly have in common? The answer - their love of major solar energy companies - Big Solar, for short.
What do President Barack Obama and a growing number of Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly have in common? The answer - their love of major solar energy companies - Big Solar, for short.
Last week, the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce sponsored a health care breakfast panel where three North Carolina hospital CEOs talked about how competition brings out the best in their health systems. Competition is healthy. Competition is a beautiful thing.
Last week, the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce sponsored a health care breakfast panel where three North Carolina hospital CEOs talked about how competition brings out the best in their health systems. Competition is healthy. Competition is a beautiful thing.
It's been a little over one week since the House filed HB 200, which would loosen up the state's Certificate of Need (CON) law - a regulatory burden requiring medical providers to ask permission from the state and their competitors before expanding their businesses.
It's been a little over one week since the House filed HB 200, which would loosen up the state's Certificate of Need (CON) law - a regulatory burden requiring medical providers to ask permission from the state and their competitors before expanding their businesses.
A meeting was held in Edenton on Nov 22 in order that local citizens will understand the benefits, or detriments, to the community regarding wind farms.
A meeting was held in Edenton on Nov 22 in order that local citizens will understand the benefits, or detriments, to the community regarding wind farms.
Governor Pat McCrory signed 18 bills today, including.
Governor Pat McCrory signed the following bill this morning.
This week's Bad Bill of the Week has the intention of removing a barrier to employment opportunities for people with a criminal record, but like previous Bad Bills relating to employment, this one has unintended consequences that must be pointed out.
This week's Bad Bill of the Week has the intention of removing a barrier to employment opportunities for people with a criminal record, but like previous Bad Bills relating to employment, this one has unintended consequences that must be pointed out.
Governor Pat McCrory signed 56 bills today.
Yesterday, I got my bill from Duke Energy Progress, or whatever it is this week. I sure was glad that by paying it I was helping out the beleaguered pig farmers of North Carolina.
Yesterday, I got my bill from Duke Energy Progress, or whatever it is this week. I sure was glad that by paying it I was helping out the beleaguered pig farmers of North Carolina.
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