Results found for highest | Eastern North Carolina Now

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21 Results found for highest

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Raleigh has the 15th highest homicide rate problems of major cities in the country, a recent study by WalletHub found.
Raleigh has the 15th highest homicide rate problems of major cities in the country, a recent study by WalletHub found.
Migrant encounters at the southern border set a new record last month with more than 240,000 people encountered, officials announced Tuesday.
Migrant encounters at the southern border set a new record last month with more than 240,000 people encountered, officials announced Tuesday.
The Federal Reserve hiked interest rates to the highest level in 22 years on Wednesday, despite easing inflationary pressures.
The Federal Reserve hiked interest rates to the highest level in 22 years on Wednesday, despite easing inflationary pressures.
Tesla saw its highest quarterly profit ever.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure of U.S. economic inflation, continued climbing quickly in May, surpassing economists’ expectations for another month.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure of U.S. economic inflation, continued climbing quickly in May, surpassing economists’ expectations for another month.
On Monday, President Donald J. Trump will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Devin Nunes.
On Monday, President Donald J. Trump will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Devin Nunes.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of COVID-19 cases with 8,444 new cases reported today
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of COVID-19 cases with 8,444 new cases reported today
When it comes to the state’s highest court, 2020 is a high-stakes year for N.C. Republicans.
When it comes to the state’s highest court, 2020 is a high-stakes year for N.C. Republicans.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 2,462 reported. It is the highest one-day increase to date.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 2,462 reported. It is the highest one-day increase to date.
According to a law enforcement source, the security team assigned to Ghislaine Maxwell will be the highest-level security available.
According to a law enforcement source, the security team assigned to Ghislaine Maxwell will be the highest-level security available.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 1,370 cases reported.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 1,370 cases reported.
Every February, the Information Analysis section of the Division of School Business at the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) publishes “Highlights of the North Carolina Public School Budget.”
Every February, the Information Analysis section of the Division of School Business at the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) publishes “Highlights of the North Carolina Public School Budget.”
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 1,107 cases reported.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 1,107 cases reported.
When selecting justices to sit on North Carolina’s highest court, it helps voters to have access to that court’s decisions in major cases.
When selecting justices to sit on North Carolina’s highest court, it helps voters to have access to that court’s decisions in major cases.
The reach of the First Amendment is extensive in securing the religious liberty of individuals and organizations, including colleges and universities.
The reach of the First Amendment is extensive in securing the religious liberty of individuals and organizations, including colleges and universities.
No matter what age or interests a person has, almost everyone loves bears! It is a little known fact that the biggest black bears on the planet and the highest black bear densities in the world are not found in Canada or Alaska, but in coastal North Carolina!
No matter what age or interests a person has, almost everyone loves bears! It is a little known fact that the biggest black bears on the planet and the highest black bear densities in the world are not found in Canada or Alaska, but in coastal North Carolina!
As Publisher of Beaufort County NOW, one of eastern North Carolina's most serious publications, I am always partial to those contributors, who provide me content for one of same reasonable purposes of why I started BCN - to get my point across.
As Publisher of Beaufort County NOW, one of eastern North Carolina's most serious publications, I am always partial to those contributors, who provide me content for one of same reasonable purposes of why I started BCN - to get my point across.
The East Carolina Heart Institute has received the highest quality rating from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS).
The East Carolina Heart Institute has received the highest quality rating from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS).
The local annual tax and fee burden now tops more than $2,000 per person in seven of North Carolina's largest cities. Mooresville ended Charlotte's 11-year run as the...
The local annual tax and fee burden now tops more than $2,000 per person in seven of North Carolina's largest cities. Mooresville ended Charlotte's 11-year run as the...
A change in North Carolina's tax code is coming this year. The most likely outcome will be a reduction in the reliance on our state's income taxes and more of a reliance on an expanded sales tax.
A change in North Carolina's tax code is coming this year. The most likely outcome will be a reduction in the reliance on our state's income taxes and more of a reliance on an expanded sales tax.
On this ever changing page, we exhibit our most popular film reviews by our growing readership.
On this ever changing page, we exhibit our most popular film reviews by our growing readership.


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