Results found for hobby lobby | Eastern North Carolina Now

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10 Results found for hobby lobby

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Move over all other stores! A new, super-popular shopping destination is in town. Chick-fil-A, Buc-ee's, and Hobby Lobby have all reportedly merged into one conglomerate, instantly making it the most popular store of all time.
Move over all other stores! A new, super-popular shopping destination is in town. Chick-fil-A, Buc-ee's, and Hobby Lobby have all reportedly merged into one conglomerate, instantly making it the most popular store of all time.
In the wake of the Target controversy resulting in widespread calls for boycotts among suburban housewife shoppers, husbands across the United States have begun praying faith-based home decor retail chain Hobby Lobby will make a bad public relations decision to cause a similar firestorm
In the wake of the Target controversy resulting in widespread calls for boycotts among suburban housewife shoppers, husbands across the United States have begun praying faith-based home decor retail chain Hobby Lobby will make a bad public relations decision to cause a similar firestorm
I had to convince myself repeatedly that this was NOT a Saturday Night Live skit. The drive-bys subjected us AND the candidates with some moronic, leftist questions.
I had to convince myself repeatedly that this was NOT a Saturday Night Live skit. The drive-bys subjected us AND the candidates with some moronic, leftist questions.
The U. S. Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 in the Hobby Lobby religious freedom case to support this retail company's first amendment right to hold certain religious and ethical beliefs over the will of the federal government's police power directed by a poorly written, and inconsistently enforced law.
The U. S. Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 in the Hobby Lobby religious freedom case to support this retail company's first amendment right to hold certain religious and ethical beliefs over the will of the federal government's police power directed by a poorly written, and inconsistently enforced law.
An excellent post at the Bloomberg View blog by Megan McArdle explains why the political left and the right view the outcome of the recent Hobby Lobby case so very differently.
An excellent post at the Bloomberg View blog by Megan McArdle explains why the political left and the right view the outcome of the recent Hobby Lobby case so very differently.
In Hobby Lobby, the Court ruled that the Obamacare law and its related regulations cannot compel closely held or family-owned companies from providing certain kinds of contraceptive coverage if doing so violates the owners' religious beliefs.
In Hobby Lobby, the Court ruled that the Obamacare law and its related regulations cannot compel closely held or family-owned companies from providing certain kinds of contraceptive coverage if doing so violates the owners' religious beliefs.
Here we go again. The conservatives (read Republicans) are taking a beating again.
Here we go again. The conservatives (read Republicans) are taking a beating again.
This is an excellent post at the Bloomberg View blog by Megan McArdle explaining why the left and the right view the outcome of the Hobby Lobby case so very differently. She argues that part of it has to do with each side's view of religion...
This is an excellent post at the Bloomberg View blog by Megan McArdle explaining why the left and the right view the outcome of the Hobby Lobby case so very differently. She argues that part of it has to do with each side's view of religion...
The US Supreme Court is acting incredibly sensible these days. One of their latest decisions, the Hobby Lobby case, offered up some protections for employers dealing with the ObamaCare atrocity being shoved down their throats.
The US Supreme Court is acting incredibly sensible these days. One of their latest decisions, the Hobby Lobby case, offered up some protections for employers dealing with the ObamaCare atrocity being shoved down their throats.
The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled recently that an Oklahoma City-based company, Hobby Lobby, could proceed with a lawsuit challenging a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate linked to Obamacare. The mandate requires companies to provide insurance covering...
The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled recently that an Oklahoma City-based company, Hobby Lobby, could proceed with a lawsuit challenging a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate linked to Obamacare. The mandate requires companies to provide insurance covering...


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