Results found for james clapper | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for james clapper

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James Clapper never meant to say Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian op, it was apparently just the “least untruthful” thing he and 50 other Trump-hating deep state creeps could think of.
James Clapper never meant to say Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian op, it was apparently just the “least untruthful” thing he and 50 other Trump-hating deep state creeps could think of.
I am encouraged, with the firing of Andrew McCabe of the FBI so he will lose his pension, that this new Justice Department will finally rout all the incredible corruption out of the DOJ and FBI, which was allowed to exist under Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and Jim Comey.
I am encouraged, with the firing of Andrew McCabe of the FBI so he will lose his pension, that this new Justice Department will finally rout all the incredible corruption out of the DOJ and FBI, which was allowed to exist under Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and Jim Comey.
In a congressional statement published after the FBI announced Friday that it was reopening its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is considered by the Democratic Party and most of the news media to be the heir apparent to the White House
In a congressional statement published after the FBI announced Friday that it was reopening its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is considered by the Democratic Party and most of the news media to be the heir apparent to the White House


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