Results found for karl marx | Eastern North Carolina Now

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6 Results found for karl marx

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For almost a quarter century I have been a professor of economics at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. After years of working there, I have learned something about how my department's academic radicals, who by dint of personality but not numbers have near-decisive control.
For almost a quarter century I have been a professor of economics at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. After years of working there, I have learned something about how my department's academic radicals, who by dint of personality but not numbers have near-decisive control.
I usually try not to call attention to a lot of the stupidity that oozes through the drive-by media. (There's so frickin' much of it.)
I usually try not to call attention to a lot of the stupidity that oozes through the drive-by media. (There's so frickin' much of it.)
Women in this country put in 100% of the work that men do - but get paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man receives.
One of the ten planks of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is "Centralization of credit in the hands of the State." Apparently of like mind is North Carolina state Senator Ellie Kinnaird (D-Orange), primary sponsor of Senate Bill 150, Study State-Owned Banks.
One of the ten planks of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is "Centralization of credit in the hands of the State." Apparently of like mind is North Carolina state Senator Ellie Kinnaird (D-Orange), primary sponsor of Senate Bill 150, Study State-Owned Banks.


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