Results found for leon brown | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for leon brown

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The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a jury's award of tens of millions of dollars to two N.C. brothers who spent more than 30 years in prison on false charges. But the size of the overall award will drop by at least $46 billion.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a jury's award of tens of millions of dollars to two N.C. brothers who spent more than 30 years in prison on false charges. But the size of the overall award will drop by at least $46 billion.
Governor Pat McCrory signed official pardons of innocence for Henry McCollum and Leon Brown today. The governor announced his decision to pardon the brothers yesterday after a thorough and comprehensive review by the Office of Executive Clemency, the governor's legal team and the Clemency Committee.
Governor Pat McCrory signed official pardons of innocence for Henry McCollum and Leon Brown today. The governor announced his decision to pardon the brothers yesterday after a thorough and comprehensive review by the Office of Executive Clemency, the governor's legal team and the Clemency Committee.
Governor Pat McCrory issued the following statement after reviewing pardon applications from Henry McCollum and Leon Brown.
Governor Pat McCrory issued the following statement after reviewing pardon applications from Henry McCollum and Leon Brown.
Governor Pat McCrory issued a statement following the release of Leon Brown and Henry Lee McCollum from prison:
Governor Pat McCrory issued a statement following the release of Leon Brown and Henry Lee McCollum from prison:


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