Results found for lumbee | Eastern North Carolina Now

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9 Results found for lumbee

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In 2010, when Democrat Charles Graham first ran for Robeson County’s state House District 47, he defeated Republican Brawleigh Graham by a more-than-comfortable 67% to 33% margin.
In 2010, when Democrat Charles Graham first ran for Robeson County’s state House District 47, he defeated Republican Brawleigh Graham by a more-than-comfortable 67% to 33% margin.
Brody School of Medicine alumna becomes Lumbee tribe’s first female surgeon
Brody School of Medicine alumna becomes Lumbee tribe’s first female surgeon
Today, Governor Roy Cooper and NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) Secretary Mandy Cohen visited the Lumbee Homecoming vaccine site at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper and NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) Secretary Mandy Cohen visited the Lumbee Homecoming vaccine site at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
Jameson Taylor criticizes the process involved with granting federal recognition to Lumbee Indians.
Jameson Taylor criticizes the process involved with granting federal recognition to Lumbee Indians.
December 29, 2016 ...128 years ago today, a group of Lumbee petitioned the United States Government for recognition as an American Indian tribe. That fight continues today.
December 29, 2016 ...128 years ago today, a group of Lumbee petitioned the United States Government for recognition as an American Indian tribe. That fight continues today.
Governor Cooper shared his strong support for full federal recognition of the Lumbee Tribe in North Carolina today during a speech at the Lumbee Nation Economic Summit
Governor Cooper shared his strong support for full federal recognition of the Lumbee Tribe in North Carolina today during a speech at the Lumbee Nation Economic Summit
Renee Ellmers is running to and fro trying to convince low-information voters across the Second District that she has been a valiant warrior princess against ObamaCare. Chamber of Commerce
Renee Ellmers is running to and fro trying to convince low-information voters across the Second District that she has been a valiant warrior princess against ObamaCare. Chamber of Commerce
Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement on the passing of former Lumbee Tribal Chairman Jimmy Goins.
Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement on the passing of former Lumbee Tribal Chairman Jimmy Goins.
Robeson County is about as yellow-dog Democrat as you can get. In 1972, while George McGovern was getting destroyed nationwide by Richard Nixon - he was winning comfortably in Robeson County.
Robeson County is about as yellow-dog Democrat as you can get. In 1972, while George McGovern was getting destroyed nationwide by Richard Nixon - he was winning comfortably in Robeson County.


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