Results found for lying hillary | Eastern North Carolina Now

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14 Results found for lying hillary

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With rumors of open rebellion in the FBI, this may be what the bold, beginning struggle for the principled soul of America looks like - one where there is at least a patch of fertile ground, where politicians are expected to possess some semblance of honesty, of integrity.
With rumors of open rebellion in the FBI, this may be what the bold, beginning struggle for the principled soul of America looks like - one where there is at least a patch of fertile ground, where politicians are expected to possess some semblance of honesty, of integrity.
The plethora of the Clinton's nasty little secrets, many of them stinking to the status of felonies, are coming forward ... this one from the FBI.
The plethora of the Clinton's nasty little secrets, many of them stinking to the status of felonies, are coming forward ... this one from the FBI.
The Breaking news that FBI Director Jim Comey was re-opening the L. Hillary Clinton Illegal Server /Email Scandal went off like a guided missile right into the political heart of the Clinton Campaign.
The Breaking news that FBI Director Jim Comey was re-opening the L. Hillary Clinton Illegal Server /Email Scandal went off like a guided missile right into the political heart of the Clinton Campaign.
FOX News is now reporting: FBI Director James Comey has just released a Friday letter to congress explaining that he will be forced to reopen the L. Hillary case because of new evidence that has surfaced from the Anthony Weiner under-aged sexting investigation.
FOX News is now reporting: FBI Director James Comey has just released a Friday letter to congress explaining that he will be forced to reopen the L. Hillary case because of new evidence that has surfaced from the Anthony Weiner under-aged sexting investigation.
Now as a pundit, often a ranting one, we are finding that I was right again about the corrupt Democrat media, where so many popular Democrat journalists, with their loyal base of Liberal and RINO media consumers of their particular left wing propaganda, were, are in a collusive relationship.
Now as a pundit, often a ranting one, we are finding that I was right again about the corrupt Democrat media, where so many popular Democrat journalists, with their loyal base of Liberal and RINO media consumers of their particular left wing propaganda, were, are in a collusive relationship.
Director Comey's reputation is forever besmirched as is the utterly dishonest Loretta Lynch (DOJ AG) and, sadly, from all accounts, he had much further to fall than the first women ever appointed to head the Department of Justice.
Director Comey's reputation is forever besmirched as is the utterly dishonest Loretta Lynch (DOJ AG) and, sadly, from all accounts, he had much further to fall than the first women ever appointed to head the Department of Justice.
By definition, your tax forms are private. Only you, your accountant, and the IRS should have access to your tax filings. You may release your tax filings yourself.
By definition, your tax forms are private. Only you, your accountant, and the IRS should have access to your tax filings. You may release your tax filings yourself.
There is ample proof that segments of the FBI did as they were told by either Obama's utterly corrupt administration, or his corrupt, bordering criminal DOJ, rather than execute a proper investigation.
There is ample proof that segments of the FBI did as they were told by either Obama's utterly corrupt administration, or his corrupt, bordering criminal DOJ, rather than execute a proper investigation.
Don't pretend that it does not exist; it does, and now in greater propensity than ever before.
Lying Hillary Clinton has now done something that even Hussein Obama could not; she has unwittingly driven a wooden stake in a key Democrat rally word - "RACIST!"
Lying Hillary Clinton has now done something that even Hussein Obama could not; she has unwittingly driven a wooden stake in a key Democrat rally word - "RACIST!"
Finally, Chairman Jason Chaffetz, and the House Oversight Committee will submit to the Hussein Obama Justice Department that Lying Hillary Clinton lied while under oath to Congress.
Finally, Chairman Jason Chaffetz, and the House Oversight Committee will submit to the Hussein Obama Justice Department that Lying Hillary Clinton lied while under oath to Congress.
Does Donald J. Trump truly have the temperament to be President of these States United?
Does Donald J. Trump truly have the temperament to be President of these States United?
It began, remarkably enough, as the national political convention that would be normal, far out-distancing the abnormality of the Republican national convention, one week earlier, where the luminaries of past presidents and political competitors did not show up to nominate Donald J. Trump.
It began, remarkably enough, as the national political convention that would be normal, far out-distancing the abnormality of the Republican national convention, one week earlier, where the luminaries of past presidents and political competitors did not show up to nominate Donald J. Trump.
I borrow mightily from Don Mclean's resonate metaphor at the nexus of his classic anthem "American Pie", when I beg you to notice the abrupt change in the national wind, a noxious air; so foul that it may forever stain the fabric of our once mighty Republic.
I borrow mightily from Don Mclean's resonate metaphor at the nexus of his classic anthem "American Pie", when I beg you to notice the abrupt change in the national wind, a noxious air; so foul that it may forever stain the fabric of our once mighty Republic.


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