Results found for mcarthur | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for mcarthur

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The Cuban Missile Crisis was the first time in my experience a nuclear bomb threat came into my life for real.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was the first time in my experience a nuclear bomb threat came into my life for real.
Mrs. Mae Anna McArthur Wilkes, age 82, a resident of College Avenue, Washington Park, died Thursday morning, July 23, 2015 at River Trace Nursing Center.
Mrs. Mae Anna McArthur Wilkes, age 82, a resident of College Avenue, Washington Park, died Thursday morning, July 23, 2015 at River Trace Nursing Center.
Mr. Douglas McArthur “Mack” Bell, age 69, a resident of 71 Warf Road, Washington, NC died Sunday March 25, 2012 at his home.
Mr. Douglas McArthur “Mack” Bell, age 69, a resident of 71 Warf Road, Washington, NC died Sunday March 25, 2012 at his home.


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