Results found for medicaid program | Eastern North Carolina Now

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15 Results found for medicaid program

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Gov. Cooper has insisted that North Carolina can expand its Medicaid program "without any additional state tax dollars."
Gov. Cooper has insisted that North Carolina can expand its Medicaid program "without any additional state tax dollars."
The Medicaid program is for those in the shadows, the most unfortunate and needy of our citizens. As discussions of expanding our state’s Medicaid program continue — and hold up the new budget — it’s worth asking: Is our current Medicaid program adequately serving those in the shadows?
The Medicaid program is for those in the shadows, the most unfortunate and needy of our citizens. As discussions of expanding our state’s Medicaid program continue — and hold up the new budget — it’s worth asking: Is our current Medicaid program adequately serving those in the shadows?
Converting the federal portion of North Carolina's Medicaid program into an annual block grant would go a long way toward limiting Medicaid's unpredictable annual cost overruns.
Converting the federal portion of North Carolina's Medicaid program into an annual block grant would go a long way toward limiting Medicaid's unpredictable annual cost overruns.
The current debate over the long-term sustainability of North Carolina's Medicaid program pits defenders of the status-quo Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) model against reformers touting Governor Pat McCrory's proposed Partnership for a Healthy North Carolina.
The current debate over the long-term sustainability of North Carolina's Medicaid program pits defenders of the status-quo Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) model against reformers touting Governor Pat McCrory's proposed Partnership for a Healthy North Carolina.
In Raleigh, the conservatives are confidently progressive and the progressives are desperately conservative. The modern-day conservatives who inhabit the General Assembly, the executive branch...
In Raleigh, the conservatives are confidently progressive and the progressives are desperately conservative. The modern-day conservatives who inhabit the General Assembly, the executive branch...
North Carolina could look northwest to Indiana and south to Florida for evidence of how a consumer-driven model would improve the state Medicaid program.
North Carolina could look northwest to Indiana and south to Florida for evidence of how a consumer-driven model would improve the state Medicaid program.
North Carolina's mental health system is "very fragile," straining beneath the weight of psychiatrist shortages, emergency rooms overflowing...
North Carolina's mental health system is "very fragile," straining beneath the weight of psychiatrist shortages, emergency rooms overflowing...
There are many unknowns regarding the proposal Gov. Pat McCrory announced last week to use competitive contracting to reform North Carolina's Medicaid program.
There are many unknowns regarding the proposal Gov. Pat McCrory announced last week to use competitive contracting to reform North Carolina's Medicaid program.
One of the first pieces of legislation approved this year by the Republican-controlled N.C. General Assembly was a bill barring the state from expanding Medicaid under the federal health care overhaul.
One of the first pieces of legislation approved this year by the Republican-controlled N.C. General Assembly was a bill barring the state from expanding Medicaid under the federal health care overhaul.
As I've previously discussed, one key issue in the recent debate over expanding North Carolina's Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act involved estimating how many new Medicaid enrollees would truly have been uninsured without it.
As I've previously discussed, one key issue in the recent debate over expanding North Carolina's Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act involved estimating how many new Medicaid enrollees would truly have been uninsured without it.
A state audit finding potentially "hundreds of millions of dollars" of Medicaid mismanagement also called for "a scientifically valid study" of North Carolina's showcase Medicaid program due to suspect savings claims and questionable methodologies used to evaluate it.
A state audit finding potentially "hundreds of millions of dollars" of Medicaid mismanagement also called for "a scientifically valid study" of North Carolina's showcase Medicaid program due to suspect savings claims and questionable methodologies used to evaluate it.
North Carolina's Medicaid program is in a major state of disarray, costing taxpayers "hundreds of millions of dollars" in mismanagement, a blistering state audit revealed.
North Carolina's Medicaid program is in a major state of disarray, costing taxpayers "hundreds of millions of dollars" in mismanagement, a blistering state audit revealed.
Today, Governor Pat McCrory welcomed a recent independent audit of the state's Medicaid program by State Auditor Beth Wood and highlighted the need to address cost control and accountability issues in the program through proactive reforms.
Today, Governor Pat McCrory welcomed a recent independent audit of the state's Medicaid program by State Auditor Beth Wood and highlighted the need to address cost control and accountability issues in the program through proactive reforms.
As a growing number of skeptics question the fiscal soundness of North Carolina's centerpiece Medicaid program, there is a push for a legislative review of the system.
As a growing number of skeptics question the fiscal soundness of North Carolina's centerpiece Medicaid program, there is a push for a legislative review of the system.
The popular image of Medicaid is that of a small program that provides basic but good-quality medical care to a limited, impoverished segment of North Carolina’s population – and that politicians have skimped on funding it.
The popular image of Medicaid is that of a small program that provides basic but good-quality medical care to a limited, impoverished segment of North Carolina’s population – and that politicians have skimped on funding it.