Results found for millennials | Eastern North Carolina Now

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10 Results found for millennials

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Sen. Bernie Sanders recently called climate change "an existential threat" and blamed it for last weekend's deadly Alabama tornadoes.
Sen. Bernie Sanders recently called climate change "an existential threat" and blamed it for last weekend's deadly Alabama tornadoes.
So much of our culture today seems to be about finding reasons to hate pop culture from even a decade or two ago.
So much of our culture today seems to be about finding reasons to hate pop culture from even a decade or two ago.
How should we respond to the urban-rural divide? The question has legions of politicians, scholars, journalists, and businesses scrambling for answers
How should we respond to the urban-rural divide? The question has legions of politicians, scholars, journalists, and businesses scrambling for answers
What is Hate Comedy? Basically, it is the only form of comedy that one is subjected to these days - from the hate-mongering late night talk show hosts, to all the rabid liberal faux comedians touting themselves as stand-up comedians.
What is Hate Comedy? Basically, it is the only form of comedy that one is subjected to these days - from the hate-mongering late night talk show hosts, to all the rabid liberal faux comedians touting themselves as stand-up comedians.
The millennial generation is taking a lot of heat lately, with even some of its members a bit shame-faced about their values, habits, and much else
The millennial generation is taking a lot of heat lately, with even some of its members a bit shame-faced about their values, habits, and much else
According to a new survey released on Thursday by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, fully 41 percent of Americans don't know what Auschwitz was, including two-thirds of Millennials.
According to a new survey released on Thursday by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, fully 41 percent of Americans don't know what Auschwitz was, including two-thirds of Millennials.
On the surface, Pokémon Go players appear to be zombified millennials walking aimlessly, eyes fixed on their cellphones
On the surface, Pokémon Go players appear to be zombified millennials walking aimlessly, eyes fixed on their cellphones
"There is a date certain" when Social Security and Medicare trust funds will be empty, and Millennials and the members of Generation X will be left to pick up the pieces, one of the nation’s leading economists says
"There is a date certain" when Social Security and Medicare trust funds will be empty, and Millennials and the members of Generation X will be left to pick up the pieces, one of the nation’s leading economists says
The Ultimate Selfie – Hint it is not Bobby Tony I get some ribbing about using too many selfies, but here is one that tops any that I could come up with.
The Ultimate Selfie – Hint it is not Bobby Tony I get some ribbing about using too many selfies, but here is one that tops any that I could come up with.
A look at the harmful biases in higher education, the damage that it causes, and how it can be fixed


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