Results found for missy raines and the new hip | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for missy raines and the new hip

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The renovated and recently revived Turnage Theater has fallen on some pretty hard times as of late, and is being forced to shutter its doors.
The renovated and recently revived Turnage Theater has fallen on some pretty hard times as of late, and is being forced to shutter its doors.
I'm sure this is not a first, maybe it is: But when has Bath, NC ever had a musician at the precipice of talent as Missy Raines with her New Hip in tow?
I'm sure this is not a first, maybe it is: But when has Bath, NC ever had a musician at the precipice of talent as Missy Raines with her New Hip in tow?
Chapter II is the continuation of a series that began with The Turnage Theater in Images: a Retrospect in Melody - Chapter I.
Chapter II is the continuation of a series that began with The Turnage Theater in Images: a Retrospect in Melody - Chapter I.


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