Results found for ncccs | Eastern North Carolina Now

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7 Results found for ncccs

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The Martin Center speaks to the N.C. Community College System’s new chief.
Community colleges are the unheralded linchpins at the center of state educational systems
Community colleges are the unheralded linchpins at the center of state educational systems
The North Carolina Community College System's new president, James C. "Jimmie" Williamson, says that his first 90 days in office will be filled with homework and field trips as he learns about interests and needs of the NCCCS
The North Carolina Community College System's new president, James C. "Jimmie" Williamson, says that his first 90 days in office will be filled with homework and field trips as he learns about interests and needs of the NCCCS
The goal of the College User Support Team is to provide training and support for college staff on the Colleague system to reduce errors and increase efficiency.
The goal of the College User Support Team is to provide training and support for college staff on the Colleague system to reduce errors and increase efficiency.
Over half of students who graduated in 2013 and subsequently enrolled in a North Carolina community college took one or more remedial or "developmental" courses in math and/or English.
Over half of students who graduated in 2013 and subsequently enrolled in a North Carolina community college took one or more remedial or "developmental" courses in math and/or English.
Last year, I was one of the first to report that the 2012-13 community college remediation rate for recent graduates of North Carolina high schools was 63 percent. Thanks to the outstanding staff at the N.C. Community College System office in Raleigh, I have obtained the 2013-14 statewide rate.
Last year, I was one of the first to report that the 2012-13 community college remediation rate for recent graduates of North Carolina high schools was 63 percent. Thanks to the outstanding staff at the N.C. Community College System office in Raleigh, I have obtained the 2013-14 statewide rate.
Several years ago, Scott Ralls determined that there were serious problems with the way North Carolina's community colleges were handling remediation. To Ralls, who is president of the...
Several years ago, Scott Ralls determined that there were serious problems with the way North Carolina's community colleges were handling remediation. To Ralls, who is president of the...


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