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151 Results found for need

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Trump is increasingly indicating that he is serious about acquiring the island nation.
Trump is increasingly indicating that he is serious about acquiring the island nation.
The John Locke Foundation is supporting a New Bern eye surgeon's legal fight against North Carolina's certificate-of-need restrictions on healthcare providers.
The John Locke Foundation is supporting a New Bern eye surgeon's legal fight against North Carolina's certificate-of-need restrictions on healthcare providers.
The Beaufort County Board of Commissioners will hold a special called meeting with the Beaufort County Board of Education on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 3:30 PM at the Professional Development Center located at 845 Pierce St, Washington, NC.
The Beaufort County Board of Commissioners will hold a special called meeting with the Beaufort County Board of Education on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 3:30 PM at the Professional Development Center located at 845 Pierce St, Washington, NC.
A recent decision in a western North Carolina certificate-of-need legal dispute could affect dozens of other CON cases across the state.
A recent decision in a western North Carolina certificate-of-need legal dispute could affect dozens of other CON cases across the state.
Two applicants have filed certificate of need applications with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to develop operating rooms
Two applicants have filed certificate of need applications with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to develop operating rooms
Six applicants have filed certificate of need applications with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to acquire one or more mobile MRI scanner(s) in response to a need determination in the 2023 State Medical Facilities Plan
Six applicants have filed certificate of need applications with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to acquire one or more mobile MRI scanner(s) in response to a need determination in the 2023 State Medical Facilities Plan
The New Bern eye surgeon challenging North Carolina's certificate-of-need law in court is taking interest in the N.C. Supreme Court's decision in a separate case.
The New Bern eye surgeon challenging North Carolina's certificate-of-need law in court is taking interest in the N.C. Supreme Court's decision in a separate case.
Local smartphone user Beth Rodgers was seen sighing in frustration as the app she had been using flashed another pop-up insecurely asking if she loved it.
Local smartphone user Beth Rodgers was seen sighing in frustration as the app she had been using flashed another pop-up insecurely asking if she loved it.
NCCARE360 is the first statewide social needs referral platform in the country coordinating referrals for more than 100,000 North Carolinians to needed services since its creation in 2019
NCCARE360 is the first statewide social needs referral platform in the country coordinating referrals for more than 100,000 North Carolinians to needed services since its creation in 2019
A unanimous 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court ruling favoring Durham Public Schools. The case involved one student's complaint about special-needs services.
A unanimous 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court ruling favoring Durham Public Schools. The case involved one student's complaint about special-needs services.
The N.C. Supreme Court can address "rampant confusion" about the state's certificate-of-need law, according to the latest filing in a case involving a New Bern eye surgeon.
The N.C. Supreme Court can address "rampant confusion" about the state's certificate-of-need law, according to the latest filing in a case involving a New Bern eye surgeon.
In the 2021 state budget, lawmakers combined the state's two school-choice grants for special needs students into one program.
In the 2021 state budget, lawmakers combined the state's two school-choice grants for special needs students into one program.
The latest offering from NCHA on CON Reform looks to increase the monopolistic hold hospitals have in North Carolina according to Senate Leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham.
The latest offering from NCHA on CON Reform looks to increase the monopolistic hold hospitals have in North Carolina according to Senate Leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham.
The White House asked Congress for another $47 billion Friday to address what it considers “immediate needs,” including the spread of monkeypox at home and abroad, the never-ending fight against COVID, and the defense of Ukraine.
The White House asked Congress for another $47 billion Friday to address what it considers “immediate needs,” including the spread of monkeypox at home and abroad, the never-ending fight against COVID, and the defense of Ukraine.
Critizies Certificate of Need Law for Damaging the Affordability of Medical Care and Patients' Access to Rural Hospitals
Critizies Certificate of Need Law for Damaging the Affordability of Medical Care and Patients' Access to Rural Hospitals
A New Bern eye surgeon is asking the N.C. Supreme Court to take up his lawsuit challenging the state's certificate-of-need law.
A New Bern eye surgeon is asking the N.C. Supreme Court to take up his lawsuit challenging the state's certificate-of-need law.
Gov. Roy Cooper had an op-ed published today in the Raleigh News & Observer calling out the hospital lobby as an obstacle to Medicaid expansion in North Carolina.
Gov. Roy Cooper had an op-ed published today in the Raleigh News & Observer calling out the hospital lobby as an obstacle to Medicaid expansion in North Carolina.
The N.C. Court of Appeals will not reconsider a New Bern eye surgeon's lawsuit challenging state certificate-of-need restrictions.
The N.C. Court of Appeals will not reconsider a New Bern eye surgeon's lawsuit challenging state certificate-of-need restrictions.
A New Bern eye surgeon challenging North Carolina's certificate-of-need law is seeking a rehearing from the N.C. Court of Appeals.
A New Bern eye surgeon challenging North Carolina's certificate-of-need law is seeking a rehearing from the N.C. Court of Appeals.
The N.C. Court of Appeals has dismissed a lawsuit challenging North Carolina's certificate-of-need law.
The N.C. Court of Appeals has dismissed a lawsuit challenging North Carolina's certificate-of-need law.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services today released a coordinated action plan to address the urgent crisis of children with complex behavioral health needs who come into the care of child welfare services.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services today released a coordinated action plan to address the urgent crisis of children with complex behavioral health needs who come into the care of child welfare services.
A New Bern-based eye surgeon continues his campaign against North Carolina’s certificate-of-need restrictions.
A New Bern-based eye surgeon continues his campaign against North Carolina’s certificate-of-need restrictions.
North Carolina’s Certificate of Need statute intentionally restricts the supply of medical services. It forces medical service providers to obtain a certificate of need (CON) before opening new or expanded facilities, installing new or additional equipment, or even, in some instances, treating more
North Carolina’s Certificate of Need statute intentionally restricts the supply of medical services. It forces medical service providers to obtain a certificate of need (CON) before opening new or expanded facilities, installing new or additional equipment, or even, in some instances, treating more
The Carolina Journal makes a wide sweeping evaluation of the news that most effects us here in North Carolina, and is distilled, here on BCN, for your clear understanding by the electronic means of video broadcast.
The Carolina Journal makes a wide sweeping evaluation of the news that most effects us here in North Carolina, and is distilled, here on BCN, for your clear understanding by the electronic means of video broadcast.
The new program, funded by The Duke Endowment, will be led by FHLI’s Center for Excellence for Integrated Care team
A unanimous three-judge panel of the N.C. Court of Appeals has affirmed the state’s decision to award InSight Health Corp. a certificate of need for a mobile PET/CT scanner.
A unanimous three-judge panel of the N.C. Court of Appeals has affirmed the state’s decision to award InSight Health Corp. a certificate of need for a mobile PET/CT scanner.
At least one judge considering the latest certificate-of-need case at the N.C. Court of Appeals sees a key problem with the state’s CON law.
At least one judge considering the latest certificate-of-need case at the N.C. Court of Appeals sees a key problem with the state’s CON law.
Cases involving a high-profile political activist and a controversial state medical regulation await the N.C. Court of Appeals as it returns to regular in-person hearings this week.
Cases involving a high-profile political activist and a controversial state medical regulation await the N.C. Court of Appeals as it returns to regular in-person hearings this week.
My research brief today answers nine questions about the remarkably “unremarkable” Certificate of Need (CON) law case just decided in the N.C. Court of Appeals.
My research brief today answers nine questions about the remarkably “unremarkable” Certificate of Need (CON) law case just decided in the N.C. Court of Appeals.
The purpose of the certificate-of-need law, according to the state health department, is to restrict “unnecessary cost increases” and “limit unnecessary services” in health care across the state.
The purpose of the certificate-of-need law, according to the state health department, is to restrict “unnecessary cost increases” and “limit unnecessary services” in health care across the state.
From Medicaid changes to increased resources for behavioral health, to higher monetary thresholds for requiring Certificate of Need, the budget bill touches on key healthcare policy issues.
From Medicaid changes to increased resources for behavioral health, to higher monetary thresholds for requiring Certificate of Need, the budget bill touches on key healthcare policy issues.
A Durham County Superior Court judge has dismissed a New Bern eye surgeon’s lawsuit challenging the state’s certificate-of-need law.
A Durham County Superior Court judge has dismissed a New Bern eye surgeon’s lawsuit challenging the state’s certificate-of-need law.
A position the team did address, at least to an extent, has left the most question marks and curiosity.
A position the team did address, at least to an extent, has left the most question marks and curiosity.
The Carolina Panthers have done a commendable job at shoring up positional needs this offseason, but one hole remains.
The Carolina Panthers have done a commendable job at shoring up positional needs this offseason, but one hole remains.
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