Results found for north carolina education system | Eastern North Carolina Now

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9 Results found for north carolina education system

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It's graduation season. Public and private schools across the country are turning out freshly-indoctrinated young people into the workforce.
It's graduation season. Public and private schools across the country are turning out freshly-indoctrinated young people into the workforce.
From the standards grows an entire industry that seeks to make money "training" educators how to get students to do at least well enough on those tests.
From the standards grows an entire industry that seeks to make money "training" educators how to get students to do at least well enough on those tests.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, few of the fastest growing occupations require a four-year or graduate degree for entry. In this week's CommenTerry, I discuss implications of their findings for North Carolina.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, few of the fastest growing occupations require a four-year or graduate degree for entry. In this week's CommenTerry, I discuss implications of their findings for North Carolina.
In part I of this two-part series on the shape and direction of education reform in North Carolina, we looked behind the education budget numbers. Now in Part II we discuss this year's legislative steps to address concerns about student achievement, teacher salaries and school vouchers.
In part I of this two-part series on the shape and direction of education reform in North Carolina, we looked behind the education budget numbers. Now in Part II we discuss this year's legislative steps to address concerns about student achievement, teacher salaries and school vouchers.
North Carolina's efforts in improving education appear to be paying dividends. A comparative study of student achievement found our fourth and eighth grade students ranked highly with students in other states and other countries.
North Carolina's efforts in improving education appear to be paying dividends. A comparative study of student achievement found our fourth and eighth grade students ranked highly with students in other states and other countries.
There is no shortage of ways to expand school choice in our state. Traditional options include encouraging alternative education options like charter schools, private schools, home schools and online education.
There is no shortage of ways to expand school choice in our state. Traditional options include encouraging alternative education options like charter schools, private schools, home schools and online education.
School accountability comes in two forms. Either parents keep schools accountable by "voting with their feet" or states compel public school districts to administer standardized tests.
School accountability comes in two forms. Either parents keep schools accountable by "voting with their feet" or states compel public school districts to administer standardized tests.
I don't often agree with Joe Hackney, the minority leader of the North Carolina House. A longtime Orange County representative who is retiring this year, Hackney previously served as majority leader and speaker.
I don't often agree with Joe Hackney, the minority leader of the North Carolina House. A longtime Orange County representative who is retiring this year, Hackney previously served as majority leader and speaker.
Progressives make a point that conservatives ought to take to heart: taxes are far from the only factors that households and businesses take into consideration when deciding where to live, work, invest, shop, or create new businesses.
Progressives make a point that conservatives ought to take to heart: taxes are far from the only factors that households and businesses take into consideration when deciding where to live, work, invest, shop, or create new businesses.


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