Results found for north carolina sboe | Eastern North Carolina Now

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9 Results found for north carolina sboe

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The State Board of Elections results website has encountered intermittent outages and updating lags.
The State Board of Elections results website has encountered intermittent outages and updating lags.
Midterm voter participation in North Carolina set a new record tonight. As of 10:34PM, 2,717,920 voters had cast ballots. In 2010, turnout was 2,700,393.
Midterm voter participation in North Carolina set a new record tonight. As of 10:34PM, 2,717,920 voters had cast ballots. In 2010, turnout was 2,700,393.
More North Carolinians voted early and within fewer days than in any prior midterm election. This was the first general election held under a compacted 10-day one-stop early voting schedule.
More North Carolinians voted early and within fewer days than in any prior midterm election. This was the first general election held under a compacted 10-day one-stop early voting schedule.
The State Board of Elections today completed an audit of more than 10,000 registered voters with questionable citizenship status.
The State Board of Elections today completed an audit of more than 10,000 registered voters with questionable citizenship status.
The North Carolina Republican Party is inarguably bent on proving it is inconsequential to real Conservatives, who actually believe in the tenets of the former Republican Party, and live by Conservative principles.
The North Carolina Republican Party is inarguably bent on proving it is inconsequential to real Conservatives, who actually believe in the tenets of the former Republican Party, and live by Conservative principles.
Much has been said and written about the election law reform legislation known as VIVA (Voter Identification Verification Act  -  HB 589) - but too many of the reports are misleading or just plain wrong.
Much has been said and written about the election law reform legislation known as VIVA (Voter Identification Verification Act  -  HB 589) - but too many of the reports are misleading or just plain wrong.
Beaufort County has become quite the microcosm for the civil war between the GOP establishment and The Tea Party. We've written extensively about some of the controversies there previously on this site.
Beaufort County has become quite the microcosm for the civil war between the GOP establishment and The Tea Party. We've written extensively about some of the controversies there previously on this site.
While asking for each of these offices to investigate items under their respective jurisdictions in relation to the SBOE, De Luca also asked the new SBOE to conduct an internal review of its own staff's actions.
While asking for each of these offices to investigate items under their respective jurisdictions in relation to the SBOE, De Luca also asked the new SBOE to conduct an internal review of its own staff's actions.
And, now we can add to that list: "infiltrate the State Board of Elections, and break the law."
And, now we can add to that list: "infiltrate the State Board of Elections, and break the law."


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