Results found for north carolina's economy | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for north carolina's economy

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If you listen to the drive-by media or the zombies and trolls following Bill Barber around, you’d think North Carolina state government was now a shoe-string operation.
If you listen to the drive-by media or the zombies and trolls following Bill Barber around, you’d think North Carolina state government was now a shoe-string operation.
During my inaugural address, I mentioned that there are two primary functions of education. As my dad used to say, the first is to exercise your brain and gain critical thinking to help with all aspects of life.
During my inaugural address, I mentioned that there are two primary functions of education. As my dad used to say, the first is to exercise your brain and gain critical thinking to help with all aspects of life.
North Carolina's unemployment rate has been 9.4 percent for the past three months. That statistic certainly helps to identify our labor market as one of the weakest in the country.
North Carolina's unemployment rate has been 9.4 percent for the past three months. That statistic certainly helps to identify our labor market as one of the weakest in the country.
The first decade of the 21st Century for North Carolina was a difficult one. In terms of the state’s economic condition, many may label it a lost decade.
The first decade of the 21st Century for North Carolina was a difficult one. In terms of the state’s economic condition, many may label it a lost decade.


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