Results found for october 27 | Eastern North Carolina Now

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28 Results found for october 27

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Today's one stop report is attached.
The Louise R. Lester Foundation Library at Beaufort County Community College continues its History, Mystery, and Art Community Voices series, with the second event taking place on October 27.
The Louise R. Lester Foundation Library at Beaufort County Community College continues its History, Mystery, and Art Community Voices series, with the second event taking place on October 27.
In my nearly 15 years as a higher education journalist and analyst, I have, unfortunately, witnessed too few victories for the reform movement. In that time, and certainly for several decades before, academia has continued moving in bad directions.
In my nearly 15 years as a higher education journalist and analyst, I have, unfortunately, witnessed too few victories for the reform movement. In that time, and certainly for several decades before, academia has continued moving in bad directions.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) confirmed Monday that water has been found on the Moon’s sunlit surface, a breakthrough discovery.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) confirmed Monday that water has been found on the Moon’s sunlit surface, a breakthrough discovery.
At a regular meeting on Monday, October 5, 2020, the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners voted 6-1 to adjust the operating schedule of the County solid waste collection sites.
At a regular meeting on Monday, October 5, 2020, the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners voted 6-1 to adjust the operating schedule of the County solid waste collection sites.
The Post praised Trump's purported economic success before the coronavirus reached U.S. shores in late January and advocated against "cancel culture and censorship" in a front-page cover story.
The Post praised Trump's purported economic success before the coronavirus reached U.S. shores in late January and advocated against "cancel culture and censorship" in a front-page cover story.
U.S. Senate Candidate Jason Lewis (R-MN) exited a “successful” emergency surgery several hours after his campaign announced the former GOP congressman had been rushed to the hospital on Monday morning after suffering from severe abdominal pain.
U.S. Senate Candidate Jason Lewis (R-MN) exited a “successful” emergency surgery several hours after his campaign announced the former GOP congressman had been rushed to the hospital on Monday morning after suffering from severe abdominal pain.
A majority of U.S. Senators voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Monday evening with Democrats refusing to engage in bipartisanship.
A majority of U.S. Senators voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Monday evening with Democrats refusing to engage in bipartisanship.
Pradheep and Kirti Shanker write for National Review Online about steps policymakers can take before the next pandemic.
Pradheep and Kirti Shanker write for National Review Online about steps policymakers can take before the next pandemic.
Voters will decide next week who should preside over North Carolina’s highest court for as long as eight years.
Voters will decide next week who should preside over North Carolina’s highest court for as long as eight years.
Editors at the Washington Examiner explain why a vote for Donald Trump represents more than just support for one flawed political leader.
Editors at the Washington Examiner explain why a vote for Donald Trump represents more than just support for one flawed political leader.
Here is a collection of news and updates around the web for the Carolina Panthers
Here is a collection of news and updates around the web for the Carolina Panthers
The confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States is a major win for the rule of law.
The confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States is a major win for the rule of law.
Time is running out for North Carolina’s State Health Plan.
New class explores zombies, vampires, other monsters
The Republican-led Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court Monday after a contentious confirmation battle.
The Republican-led Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court Monday after a contentious confirmation battle.
Eastern Wholesale Fence will invest $17.5 million in Salisbury
Democrat Governor Roy Cooper got caught on a hot mic with former Vice President Joe Biden complaining that Cunningham was “frustrating.”
Democrat Governor Roy Cooper got caught on a hot mic with former Vice President Joe Biden complaining that Cunningham was “frustrating.”
We’d give the Governor a D. He responded as many governors did at first with a blanket shut down.
Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdown orders have produced difficult economic times for North Carolina families and businesses.
Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdown orders have produced difficult economic times for North Carolina families and businesses.
The Beaufort County Jail Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 3:00 PM in the boardroom located at 136 W. 2nd St. Washington, NC.
The Beaufort County Jail Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 3:00 PM in the boardroom located at 136 W. 2nd St. Washington, NC.
The briefing checklist notes that Painter also planned to meet with Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) Officer Martin Claessens “regarding the Burisma Group energy company.”
The briefing checklist notes that Painter also planned to meet with Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) Officer Martin Claessens “regarding the Burisma Group energy company.”
The Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party released the following statement congratulating Justice Amy Coney Barrett on her successful confirmation.
The Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party released the following statement congratulating Justice Amy Coney Barrett on her successful confirmation.
The Post praised Trump's purported economic success before the coronavirus reached U.S. shores in late January and advocated against "cancel culture and censorship" in a front-page cover story.
The Post praised Trump's purported economic success before the coronavirus reached U.S. shores in late January and advocated against "cancel culture and censorship" in a front-page cover story.
On Monday, October 26, 2020, Betty Cutler of Washington, NC, age 77, passed from this earth into the presence of God while holding the loving hand of her husband, Elwood.
On Monday, October 26, 2020, Betty Cutler of Washington, NC, age 77, passed from this earth into the presence of God while holding the loving hand of her husband, Elwood.
William Allen Arnold, age 90, a resident of Chocowinity, passed peacefully away Monday October 26, 2020 at Ridgewood Manor in Washington, NC.
William Allen Arnold, age 90, a resident of Chocowinity, passed peacefully away Monday October 26, 2020 at Ridgewood Manor in Washington, NC.


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