Results found for operation wetback | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for operation wetback

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750 border patrol agents deported 1.1 million in a few months
Well, as my old dad used to say "I think you might have finally stepped in the s#*t."; Maybe the Donald has finally done the same.
Well, as my old dad used to say "I think you might have finally stepped in the s#*t."; Maybe the Donald has finally done the same.
Last night my wife and I went to see a movie. It was a very popular movie and we were required to wait our turn in a long line to purchase our tickets. After purchasing our tickets we proceeded through the metal detector to ensure we were not carrying weapons.
Last night my wife and I went to see a movie. It was a very popular movie and we were required to wait our turn in a long line to purchase our tickets. After purchasing our tickets we proceeded through the metal detector to ensure we were not carrying weapons.


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