Results found for overspending | Eastern North Carolina Now

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5 Results found for overspending

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The state Department of Transportation defended its overspending and planned reforms to a skeptical Senate Transportation Committee on Wednesday, May 27.
The state Department of Transportation defended its overspending and planned reforms to a skeptical Senate Transportation Committee on Wednesday, May 27.
Lawmakers blasted the N.C. Department of Transportation for careless overspending, suggesting the DOT is using the coronavirus to “cover up” irresponsible cash management.
Lawmakers blasted the N.C. Department of Transportation for careless overspending, suggesting the DOT is using the coronavirus to “cover up” irresponsible cash management.
N.C. Transportation Secretary James Trogdon is a bad manager and should be replaced, says State Treasurer Dale Folwell.
N.C. Transportation Secretary James Trogdon is a bad manager and should be replaced, says State Treasurer Dale Folwell.
The N.C. Department of Transportation has a cash shortfall. But not for the reasons department officials are giving.
The N.C. Department of Transportation has a cash shortfall. But not for the reasons department officials are giving.


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