Results found for personal responsibility | Eastern North Carolina Now

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5 Results found for personal responsibility

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Work and personal responsibility lead to prosperity, but the left increasingly favors programs that foster government dependency
Work and personal responsibility lead to prosperity, but the left increasingly favors programs that foster government dependency
Conservatives and libertarians spend a lot of time talking about freedom: free markets, limited government, personal responsibility.
Conservatives and libertarians spend a lot of time talking about freedom: free markets, limited government, personal responsibility.
Growing up for each of us is so different. My friend next door had a father who was a butcher, so guess what; they ate a lot of meat. His cousin, who lived one floor below him, had a dad who was a mechanic. He owned his own gas station and repair shop.
Growing up for each of us is so different. My friend next door had a father who was a butcher, so guess what; they ate a lot of meat. His cousin, who lived one floor below him, had a dad who was a mechanic. He owned his own gas station and repair shop.
You wouldn't call someone "anti-spoon" if he preferred to use a knife to cut his steak.


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