Results found for poverty | Eastern North Carolina Now

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72 Results found for poverty

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By convincing students they’re destitute, colleges are breeding government dependence.
By convincing students they’re destitute, colleges are breeding government dependence.
The founders of Moms for Liberty, a parental rights group, plan to sue the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for defamation after it labeled the coalition an extremist group.
The founders of Moms for Liberty, a parental rights group, plan to sue the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for defamation after it labeled the coalition an extremist group.
It’s time for your daily dose of Bidenomics — where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter.
It’s time for your daily dose of Bidenomics — where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has announced the addition of a dangerous new group to its list of hate groups: everyone who is not at this moment wearing a pride shirt.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has announced the addition of a dangerous new group to its list of hate groups: everyone who is not at this moment wearing a pride shirt.
An attorney with the far-left nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was arrested Sunday for allegedly committing domestic terrorism to stop a police facility from being built.
An attorney with the far-left nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was arrested Sunday for allegedly committing domestic terrorism to stop a police facility from being built.
Hey folks, Bernie Sanders here! I am once again asking for your support in eradicating systemic poverty from the face of the earth. America can do it, but we won't because America is immoral and Elon Musk has all the money.
Hey folks, Bernie Sanders here! I am once again asking for your support in eradicating systemic poverty from the face of the earth. America can do it, but we won't because America is immoral and Elon Musk has all the money.
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the world’s fifth-richest man, thinks that Communist China should be praised for the way it has handled poverty.
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the world’s fifth-richest man, thinks that Communist China should be praised for the way it has handled poverty.
Carl Dobsky’s brilliant, fiery painting “Birds of Paradise” has been the focus of attention at his recent exhibitions, because it accurately and effectively captures the zeitgeist of contemporary American life.
Carl Dobsky’s brilliant, fiery painting “Birds of Paradise” has been the focus of attention at his recent exhibitions, because it accurately and effectively captures the zeitgeist of contemporary American life.
After the Supreme Court refused to hear a case from a Christian non-profit that sued the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for defamation, Justice Clarence Thomas issued a blistering dissent, stating that he wanted to reconsider the “actual malice” standard
After the Supreme Court refused to hear a case from a Christian non-profit that sued the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for defamation, Justice Clarence Thomas issued a blistering dissent, stating that he wanted to reconsider the “actual malice” standard
Proposed Legislation is a Pro-Family, Anti-Poverty Consumer Protection Law
Report concludes series examining major issues impacting North Carolina women
Report concludes series examining major issues impacting North Carolina women
The first time crime really hit home for me was when a thug pointed a gun at a family member’s head while she was making an after-hours bank transaction.
The first time crime really hit home for me was when a thug pointed a gun at a family member’s head while she was making an after-hours bank transaction.
The Census Bureau has just issued its latest annual report, “Income and Poverty in the United States: 2020,” and American Enterprise Institute economist and blogger Mark Perry has extracted and summarized its highlights, as he does every year.
The Census Bureau has just issued its latest annual report, “Income and Poverty in the United States: 2020,” and American Enterprise Institute economist and blogger Mark Perry has extracted and summarized its highlights, as he does every year.
Elected officials in a major U.S. city plan to pass a law that will allow thieves to sell items they steal if they do it to earn money for basic needs and trespassers to set up camp on private property when it is to obtain adequate shelter.
Elected officials in a major U.S. city plan to pass a law that will allow thieves to sell items they steal if they do it to earn money for basic needs and trespassers to set up camp on private property when it is to obtain adequate shelter.
Scott Winship writes for the Spotlight on Poverty website about the significance of new poverty numbers.
Scott Winship writes for the Spotlight on Poverty website about the significance of new poverty numbers.
Garbage in, garbage out. This rule of thumb applies to every field of human behavior — very much including politics.
Garbage in, garbage out. This rule of thumb applies to every field of human behavior — very much including politics.
Another day, another piece by the far-Left NC Justice Center that hides facts about poverty in NC.
Another day, another piece by the far-Left NC Justice Center that hides facts about poverty in NC.
As the candidates vying for the Democratic nomination for president debate the merits of taxing the wealthiest Americans, maybe we should instead focus on getting rid of a program that effectively taxes the poorest among us.
As the candidates vying for the Democratic nomination for president debate the merits of taxing the wealthiest Americans, maybe we should instead focus on getting rid of a program that effectively taxes the poorest among us.
The N&O yesterday published an op-ed by the NC Justice Center that accuses Sen. Phil Berger of “spinning a compelling yarn, even when he doesn’t tell the whole story.”
The N&O yesterday published an op-ed by the NC Justice Center that accuses Sen. Phil Berger of “spinning a compelling yarn, even when he doesn’t tell the whole story.”
“Opportunity zones,” defined by a 2017 law, are poor areas targeted by the federal government for economic investment.
“Opportunity zones,” defined by a 2017 law, are poor areas targeted by the federal government for economic investment.
After about 100 jumping jacks and a few laps across the pool, Vanina Melendez began to think something was wrong.
After about 100 jumping jacks and a few laps across the pool, Vanina Melendez began to think something was wrong.
As many as 626,000 North Carolinians with incomes below 133% of the poverty level might qualify for Medicaid.
As many as 626,000 North Carolinians with incomes below 133% of the poverty level might qualify for Medicaid.
The great British statesman and writer Edmund Burke was a critic of his government's treatment of the American colonies in the years preceding the Revolutionary War
The great British statesman and writer Edmund Burke was a critic of his government's treatment of the American colonies in the years preceding the Revolutionary War
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
"Human advancement is not a mere question of almsgiving, but rather of sympathy and cooperation among classes who would scorn charity," writes W.E.B. DuBois in The Souls of Black Folk
"Human advancement is not a mere question of almsgiving, but rather of sympathy and cooperation among classes who would scorn charity," writes W.E.B. DuBois in The Souls of Black Folk
The ink is dry, but the howling from the Left continues. The 2017 tax reform law is in place and working as advertised - lower personal and corporate taxes, more money in the pockets of Americans, repatriation of billions of dollars of corporate profit, and an economy that will be robust
The ink is dry, but the howling from the Left continues. The 2017 tax reform law is in place and working as advertised - lower personal and corporate taxes, more money in the pockets of Americans, repatriation of billions of dollars of corporate profit, and an economy that will be robust
Last year Senators Angela Bryant (D-Halifax), Valerie Foushee (D-Chatham) and Terry Van Duyn (D-Buncombe) introduced legislation (SB 174) to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour as a way “to advance economic security in North Carolina.”
Last year Senators Angela Bryant (D-Halifax), Valerie Foushee (D-Chatham) and Terry Van Duyn (D-Buncombe) introduced legislation (SB 174) to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour as a way “to advance economic security in North Carolina.”
We want to be wanted and we need to be needed. Call it the human condition or the need for dignity
We want to be wanted and we need to be needed. Call it the human condition or the need for dignity
When it comes to free speech, opposites may not attract. But respectful conflict and debate make for better education in colleges and universities, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee, said in a hearing Oct. 26
When it comes to free speech, opposites may not attract. But respectful conflict and debate make for better education in colleges and universities, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee, said in a hearing Oct. 26
I have strong opinions. You probably do, too. Most people have deeply felt convictions about at least some matters of public controversy. Given the right context, most are willing to express their views to others and debate their disagreements.
I have strong opinions. You probably do, too. Most people have deeply felt convictions about at least some matters of public controversy. Given the right context, most are willing to express their views to others and debate their disagreements.
The results of the Democratic Party - with the assistance of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other race hucksters - setting up Hillary Clinton as the black voters big Bwana (Swahili, from Arabic abuna "our leader") is shortening lives and preventing young African Americans from climbing out
The results of the Democratic Party - with the assistance of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other race hucksters - setting up Hillary Clinton as the black voters big Bwana (Swahili, from Arabic abuna "our leader") is shortening lives and preventing young African Americans from climbing out
Last week's newsletter highlighted the fiscal impact on North Carolina if the legislature agreed to opt for Obamacare's Medicaid expansion. This week, I'll touch on three critical human costs...
Last week's newsletter highlighted the fiscal impact on North Carolina if the legislature agreed to opt for Obamacare's Medicaid expansion. This week, I'll touch on three critical human costs...
It's hard to reach the right conclusion when you start with false premises.
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