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26 Results found for presidential candidate

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David Harsanyi writes at National Review Online that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is underperforming his 2016 predecessor.
David Harsanyi writes at National Review Online that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is underperforming his 2016 predecessor.
John Kasich, who ran a failed Republican presidential campaign in 2016, told CNN this week that he has a “right” to define what it means to be a conservative
John Kasich, who ran a failed Republican presidential campaign in 2016, told CNN this week that he has a “right” to define what it means to be a conservative
In any other presidential election year, a lot of people would be talking — a lot — about the race.
In any other presidential election year, a lot of people would be talking — a lot — about the race.
CNN’s Jake Tapper called out one of the top 2020 Democratic presidential candidates on Sunday for refusing to do interviews on the Sunday news shows.
CNN’s Jake Tapper called out one of the top 2020 Democratic presidential candidates on Sunday for refusing to do interviews on the Sunday news shows.
How can they be impartial jurors when they have expressed numerous times that they want the president removed from office?
How can they be impartial jurors when they have expressed numerous times that they want the president removed from office?
On Thursday morning, the lone Latino Democratic presidential candidate, Julián Castro, announced with a “heavy heart” that he is dropping out of the 2020 race.
On Thursday morning, the lone Latino Democratic presidential candidate, Julián Castro, announced with a “heavy heart” that he is dropping out of the 2020 race.
'I've determined that it simply isn't our time,' the former San Antonio mayor declared in a video he posted on Thursday
'I've determined that it simply isn't our time,' the former San Antonio mayor declared in a video he posted on Thursday
The State Board of Elections on Friday signed off on the 2020 presidential primary candidates nominated by North Carolina’s five recognized political parties – Constitution, Democratic, Green, Libertarian and Republican.
The State Board of Elections on Friday signed off on the 2020 presidential primary candidates nominated by North Carolina’s five recognized political parties – Constitution, Democratic, Green, Libertarian and Republican.
The vicious drive against Trump today is a raw power grab by the Left that could have long-lasting consequences
The vicious drive against Trump today is a raw power grab by the Left that could have long-lasting consequences
Former congressman and newly announced Republican presidential candidate Joe Walsh told CNN Monday night that just before coming into the studio, he learned that his radio show was canceled.
Former congressman and newly announced Republican presidential candidate Joe Walsh told CNN Monday night that just before coming into the studio, he learned that his radio show was canceled.
Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday that seeks at least $50 million from Google.
Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday that seeks at least $50 million from Google.
Tonight and tomorrow will be the first time 2020 presidential Democrats debate the extreme positions they’ve been touting on the campaign trail
Tonight and tomorrow will be the first time 2020 presidential Democrats debate the extreme positions they’ve been touting on the campaign trail
One of the stories that haven't been heavily covered on cable news networks involves Donald Trump's children being registered Democrats.
One of the stories that haven't been heavily covered on cable news networks involves Donald Trump's children being registered Democrats.
It began, remarkably enough, as the national political convention that would be normal, far out-distancing the abnormality of the Republican national convention, one week earlier, where the luminaries of past presidents and political competitors did not show up to nominate Donald J. Trump.
It began, remarkably enough, as the national political convention that would be normal, far out-distancing the abnormality of the Republican national convention, one week earlier, where the luminaries of past presidents and political competitors did not show up to nominate Donald J. Trump.
Well, 2016 is here and let me state the obvious. 2015 is now in the history books and we can look back at it and learn from it.
Well, 2016 is here and let me state the obvious. 2015 is now in the history books and we can look back at it and learn from it.
The party machines are now taking over the election.
Someone asked me what I thought about the Presidential candidates still in the race and who I support.
This week's Civitas Poll Lunch shed light on what North Carolina voters think about the likely candidates for governor, and some of the leading presidential hopefuls.
This week's Civitas Poll Lunch shed light on what North Carolina voters think about the likely candidates for governor, and some of the leading presidential hopefuls.
"Take Back America," the GOP presidential forum hosted by Heritage Action, in Greenville, SC on Sept. 18, was a huge success
Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have the drive-by media and the professional left in a tizzy over their proposals to end birthright citizenship — the policy that makes children of illegal aliens born in the US legal citizens of the United States.
Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have the drive-by media and the professional left in a tizzy over their proposals to end birthright citizenship — the policy that makes children of illegal aliens born in the US legal citizens of the United States.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was paid $1.35 million since last May for three speaking engagements for a network marketing company that has been accused of being nothing more than a pyramid scheme.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was paid $1.35 million since last May for three speaking engagements for a network marketing company that has been accused of being nothing more than a pyramid scheme.
On August 6, the first of twelve GOP Presidential Candidate Debates was held in Cleveland, Ohio. It was hosted by FOX News
"As of today, I am suspending my presidential campaign ... however, I am not going to be silenced, and I am not going away!"
"As of today, I am suspending my presidential campaign ... however, I am not going to be silenced, and I am not going away!"
Herman Cain supporters have accepted his narrative that he is an American success story. The question is, just how much of that "success" did he earn on his own? And is it really the Horatio Alger story we are led to believe?
Herman Cain supporters have accepted his narrative that he is an American success story. The question is, just how much of that "success" did he earn on his own? And is it really the Horatio Alger story we are led to believe?
U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Eagles ruled today (10-27-11) that John Edwards defense in his campaign finance case must go to trial.
U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Eagles ruled today (10-27-11) that John Edwards defense in his campaign finance case must go to trial.
Former Senator Edwards has been indicted on six felony counts that he violated campaign finance laws in a desperate bid to protect both his White House hopes and his image as a devoted family man.
Former Senator Edwards has been indicted on six felony counts that he violated campaign finance laws in a desperate bid to protect both his White House hopes and his image as a devoted family man.


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