Results found for presidential elections | Eastern North Carolina Now

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7 Results found for presidential elections

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A federal government led by Joe Biden would look much different from the government under President Trump.
A laptop and several memory sticks used to program Philadelphia's voting machines were stolen from a city warehouse in East Falls, officials confirmed Wednesday
A laptop and several memory sticks used to program Philadelphia's voting machines were stolen from a city warehouse in East Falls, officials confirmed Wednesday
They must have read my blog and seen how Silly this was because they stopped this Foolishness in 2016.
A Good Idea Is Always A Good Idea...But Don't hold Your Breath
I guess I don't have a lot of problem with Early Voting in Presidential Elections.
One of the legacies of the George W. Bush era was the codification of the red-blue color scheme for American politics. Newspapers and TV networks used the results of the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections to produce maps characterized by dollops of blue in the Northeast, along the Great Lakes...
One of the legacies of the George W. Bush era was the codification of the red-blue color scheme for American politics. Newspapers and TV networks used the results of the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections to produce maps characterized by dollops of blue in the Northeast, along the Great Lakes...
The last presidential election that focused squarely on issues was the 1972 Nixon-McGovern campaign. Since then campaigns have spent more time and money framing their opponent than dealing with issues.
The last presidential election that focused squarely on issues was the 1972 Nixon-McGovern campaign. Since then campaigns have spent more time and money framing their opponent than dealing with issues.


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